Also, I see apr_cstr_casecmp() but not a case insensitive version... ??

> On Jan 26, 2016, at 3:58 PM, William A Rowe Jr <> wrote:
> Sorry, meant to attach something legible...
> Apache Portable Runtime
>       • Main Page
>       • Related Pages
>       • Modules
>       • Namespaces
>       • Data Structures
>       • Files
> Functions
> C (POSIX locale) string functions
> String routines
> Functions
> apr_array_header_t *  apr_cstr_split (const char *input, const char 
> *sep_chars, int chop_whitespace, apr_pool_t *pool)
> void  apr_cstr_split_append (apr_array_header_t *array, const char *input, 
> const char *sep_chars, int chop_whitespace, apr_pool_t *pool)
> int   apr_cstr_match_glob_list (const char *str, const apr_array_header_t 
> *list)
> int   apr_cstr_match_list (const char *str, const apr_array_header_t *list)
> char *        apr_cstr_tokenize (const char *sep, char **str)
> int   apr_cstr_count_newlines (const char *msg)
> char *        apr_cstr_join (const apr_array_header_t *strings, const char 
> *separator, apr_pool_t *pool)
> int   apr_cstr_casecmp (const char *str1, const char *str2)
> apr_status_t  apr_cstr_strtoi64 (apr_int64_t *n, const char *str, apr_int64_t 
> minval, apr_int64_t maxval, int base)
> apr_status_t  apr_cstr_atoi64 (apr_int64_t *n, const char *str)
> apr_status_t  apr_cstr_atoi (int *n, const char *str)
> apr_status_t  apr_cstr_strtoui64 (apr_uint64_t *n, const char *str, 
> apr_uint64_t minval, apr_uint64_t maxval, int base)
> apr_status_t  apr_cstr_atoui64 (apr_uint64_t *n, const char *str)
> apr_status_t  apr_cstr_atoui (unsigned int *n, const char *str)
> const char *  apr_cstr_skip_prefix (const char *str, const char *prefix)
> Detailed Description
> The apr_cstr_* functions provide traditional C char * string text handling, 
> and notabilty they treat all text in the C (a.k.a. POSIX) locale using the 
> minimal POSIX character set, represented in either ASCII or a corresponding 
> EBCDIC subset.
> Character values outside of that set are treated as opaque bytes, and all 
> multi-byte character sequences are handled as individual distinct octets.
> Multi-byte characters sequences whose octets fall in the ASCII range cause 
> unexpected results, such as in the ISO-2022-JP code page where ASCII octets 
> occur within both shift-state and multibyte sequences.
> In the case of the UTF-8 encoding, all multibyte characters all fall outside 
> of the C/POSIX range of characters, so these functions are generally safe to 
> use on UTF-8 strings. The programmer must be aware that each octet may not 
> represent a distinct printable character in such encodings.
> The standard C99/POSIX string functions, rather than apr_cstr, should be used 
> in all cases where the current locale and encoding of the text is significant.
> Function Documentation
> apr_status_t apr_cstr_atoi    (       int *   n,
> const char *  str 
> )             
> Parse the C string str into a 32 bit number, and return it in *n. Assume that 
> the number is represented in base 10. Raise an error if conversion fails 
> (e.g. due to overflow).
> The behaviour otherwise is as described for apr_cstr_strtoi64().
> Since
> New in 1.6.
> apr_status_t apr_cstr_atoi64  (       apr_int64_t *   n,
> const char *  str 
> )             
> Parse the C string str into a 64 bit number, and return it in *n. Assume that 
> the number is represented in base 10. Raise an error if conversion fails 
> (e.g. due to overflow).
> The behaviour otherwise is as described for apr_cstr_strtoi64().
> Since
> New in 1.6.
> apr_status_t apr_cstr_atoui   (       unsigned int *  n,
> const char *  str 
> )             
> Parse the C string str into an unsigned 32 bit number, and return it in *n. 
> Assume that the number is represented in base 10. Raise an error if 
> conversion fails (e.g. due to overflow).
> The behaviour otherwise is as described for apr_cstr_strtoui64(), including 
> the upper limit of APR_INT64_MAX.
> Since
> New in 1.6.
> apr_status_t apr_cstr_atoui64 (       apr_uint64_t *  n,
> const char *  str 
> )             
> Parse the C string str into an unsigned 64 bit number, and return it in *n. 
> Assume that the number is represented in base 10. Raise an error if 
> conversion fails (e.g. due to overflow).
> The behaviour otherwise is as described for apr_cstr_strtoui64(), including 
> the upper limit of APR_INT64_MAX.
> Since
> New in 1.6.
> int apr_cstr_casecmp  (       const char *    str1,
> const char *  str2 
> )             
> Compare two strings atr1 and atr2, treating case-equivalent unaccented Latin 
> (ASCII subset) letters as equal.
> Returns in integer greater than, equal to, or less than 0, according to 
> whether str1 is considered greater than, equal to, or less thanstr2.
> Since
> New in 1.6.
> int apr_cstr_count_newlines   (       const char *    msg     )       
> Return the number of line breaks in msg, allowing any kind of newline 
> termination (CR, LF, CRLF, or LFCR), even inconsistent.
> Since
> New in 1.6.
> char* apr_cstr_join   (       const apr_array_header_t *      strings,
> const char *  separator,
> apr_pool_t *  pool 
> )             
> Return a cstring which is the concatenation of strings (an array of char *) 
> each followed by separator (that is, separator will also end the resulting 
> string). Allocate the result in pool. If strings is empty, then return the 
> empty string.
> Since
> New in 1.6.
> int apr_cstr_match_glob_list  (       const char *    str,
> const apr_array_header_t *    list 
> )             
> Return TRUE iff str matches any of the elements of list, a list of zero or 
> more glob patterns.
> int apr_cstr_match_list       (       const char *    str,
> const apr_array_header_t *    list 
> )             
> Return TRUE iff str exactly matches any of the elements of list.
> Since
> new in 1.7
> const char* apr_cstr_skip_prefix      (       const char *    str,
> const char *  prefix 
> )             
> Skip the common prefix prefix from the C string str, and return a pointer to 
> the next character after the prefix. Return NULL if str does not start with 
> prefix.
> Since
> New in 1.6.
> apr_array_header_t* apr_cstr_split    (       const char *    input,
> const char *  sep_chars,
> int   chop_whitespace,
> apr_pool_t *  pool 
> )             
> Divide input into substrings, interpreting any char from sep as a token 
> separator.
> Return an array of copies of those substrings (plain const char*), allocating 
> both the array and the copies in pool.
> None of the elements added to the array contain any of the characters in 
> sep_chars, and none of the new elements are empty (thus, it is possible that 
> the returned array will have length zero).
> If chop_whitespace is TRUE, then remove leading and trailing whitespace from 
> the returned strings.
> void apr_cstr_split_append    (       apr_array_header_t *    array,
> const char *  input,
> const char *  sep_chars,
> int   chop_whitespace,
> apr_pool_t *  pool 
> )             
> Like apr_cstr_split(), but append to existing array instead of creating a new 
> one. Allocate the copied substrings in pool (i.e., caller decides whether or 
> not to pass array->pool as pool).
> apr_status_t apr_cstr_strtoi64        (       apr_int64_t *   n,
> const char *  str,
> apr_int64_t   minval,
> apr_int64_t   maxval,
> int   base 
> )             
> Parse the C string str into a 64 bit number, and return it in *n. Assume that 
> the number is represented in base base. Raise an error if conversion fails 
> (e.g. due to overflow), or if the converted number is smaller than minval or 
> larger than maxval.
> Leading whitespace in str is skipped in a locale-dependent way. After that, 
> the string may contain an optional '+' (positive, default) or '-' (negative) 
> character, followed by an optional '0x' prefix if base is 0 or 16, followed 
> by numeric digits appropriate for the base. If there are any more characters 
> after the numeric digits, an error is returned.
> If base is zero, then a leading '0x' or '0X' prefix means hexadecimal, else a 
> leading '0' means octal (implemented, though not documented, in 
> apr_strtoi64() in APR 0.9.0 through 1.5.0), else use base ten.
> Since
> New in 1.6.
> apr_status_t apr_cstr_strtoui64       (       apr_uint64_t *  n,
> const char *  str,
> apr_uint64_t  minval,
> apr_uint64_t  maxval,
> int   base 
> )             
> Parse the C string str into an unsigned 64 bit number, and return it in *n. 
> Assume that the number is represented in base base. Raise an error if 
> conversion fails (e.g. due to overflow), or if the converted number is 
> smaller than minval or larger than maxval.
> Leading whitespace in str is skipped in a locale-dependent way. After that, 
> the string may contain an optional '+' (positive, default) or '-' (negative) 
> character, followed by an optional '0x' prefix if base is 0 or 16, followed 
> by numeric digits appropriate for the base. If there are any more characters 
> after the numeric digits, an error is returned.
> If base is zero, then a leading '0x' or '0X' prefix means hexadecimal, else a 
> leading '0' means octal (implemented, though not documented, in 
> apr_strtoi64() in APR 0.9.0 through 1.5.0), else use base ten.
> Warning
> The implementation used since version 1.7 returns an error if the parsed 
> number is greater than APR_INT64_MAX, even if it is not greater than maxval.
> Since
> New in 1.6.
> char* apr_cstr_tokenize       (       const char *    sep,
> char **       str 
> )             
> Get the next token from *str interpreting any char from sep as a token 
> separator. Separators at the beginning of str will be skipped. Returns a 
> pointer to the beginning of the first token in *str or NULL if no token is 
> left. Modifies str such that the next call will return the next token.
> Note
> The content of *str may be modified by this function.
> Since
> New in 1.6.
> Generated by    1.8.10
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 2:57 PM, William A Rowe Jr <> 
> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 4:18 PM, William A Rowe Jr <> 
> wrote:
> This is as far as I got on my last iteration, electing what appear
> to be 'normal string' handling functions that are part of svn.
> Based on apr's short-name preference, I had yet to redecorate
> these functions as apr_cstr_* functions, but that I will get to
> tomorrow.  If you see something that doesn't fall into the normal
> string / general purpose criteria, feel free to holler before the first
> commit...
> This is what is going in shortly... we don't have an svn_boolean_t
> so those become int's, while svn_error_t * becomes an apr_status_t.
> I'll proceed to commit this full set for scrutiny before digging through
> for the various overlapping functions within apr and even across httpd.

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