The Jenkins worker configurations is a pain point of beam build and tests,
and it is indeed difficult to debug. Originally, python tests such as
beam_PostCommit_Python_Verify only run on one worker due to BEAM-1817
We probably need to do the same thing for beam_PreCommit_Python_GradleBuild
in short term.
In order to solve this problem, we did research and experiments on running
Jenkins tests within a container and organized a short documentation. It is
being reviewed within Engprod team and will be shared for wider review

Yifan Zou

On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 1:10 PM Robert Bradshaw <> wrote:

> I've been trying to debug why beam_PreCommit_Python_GradleBuild seems to be
> failing so often, and it looks like the beam-sdks-python:setupVirtualenv
> task succeeds on beam2 and beam6, but always fails on beam1, beam3, beam4,
> and beam8. (I didn't see any runs on beam5 or beam7, I vaguely seem to
> remember beam5 being blacklisted...) I can't reproduce the failure locally
> and the remote logs (e.g.
> ) don't seem to be very enlightening either. This leads to a couple of
> questions:
> * How are our jenkins beam workers configured, and why aren't they the
> same?
> * How does one go about debugging failures like this?
> Before too much effort is invested, how far are we from using containers to
> manage the build environments?

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