
> For what it's worth, when I engage with other people working on large forks
> that want to bring their features back to the project, the absolute last
> thing I want to do to them is throw them into email threads like this.

People need to positively engage with the community, have discussions & debate 
their PoV to get their contributions into the official codebase.

The CEP explicitly helps do just that. Creating a 5.0 branch implies that these 
parties just want to drop code rather than actually discuss their features with 
the community. This is the disconnect for me personally.

People who run large forks, should also care about what the community is 
working on. If they open up a CEP or Discuss thread, I don't think it'll be 
remotely as contentious as this thread.

> Fewer and fewer people have the appetite to deal with this bickering and 
> exposing anyone new to this seems like a guaranteed way to turn them away 
> from the project for good.

Debate is healthy and its important for the long-term health of this project.

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