Marc Portier wrote:

> The following might seem like nagging but I do share Sylvain's 
> eagerness to get names really right, so I'm wide open for other 
> alternatives and views...

I don't have a vote either :-) but I agree - names are a very important detail, so 
I'll stick my nose in...

> >>  [C] A state of the controller is called by:
> >>
> >>    <map:call state="">
> >>        <map:parameter name="x" value="y"/>
> >>     </map:call>
> > 
> > 
> > We don't call states in this sense. We continue
> > a continuation ;-)
> actually I think we continue with the 'use-case'
> or we continue the 'interaction'
> > I guess <map:continue continuation="{1}"/> is bad.
> > 
> > <map:continue src="{1}"/>
> > or
> > <map:continue id="{1}"/>
> > 
> Still <map:continue state-id=".." /> might make sense as well?

What about <map:continue from="..."/>

I agree with your analysis completely ... personally I find map:continue with 
attribute of id or source or state sounds jarring - it sounds like you would be 
continuing a state, or continuing an id, which is wrong, as you say. It doesn't read 
smoothly in the sense of a regular English sentence, whereas "continue from ..." reads 
very naturally.

The point is that you continue a FLOW (a use-case as you say), and that you continue 
the flow FROM a particular point which must be identified by this attribute. 
"Continue" is the active (verb form) word which identifies the activity (noun form 
would be continuation). "From" is a word that identifies the role that the 
rhino-continuation or FSM-state plays in this activity, without having to give it some 
overly-specific name (state, continuation, location, point, etc)

My 2c


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