Unico Hommes wrote:

Working on davmap I noticed that the way I was setting the status code
in the Serializer wasn't working. This is what I do:

<map:match pattern="status/*">
  <map:generate src="status.xml" />
  <map:serialize type="xml" status-code="{1}" />

But it seems that the status-code attribute is not being resolved. I
propose we change this.

Within Lenya I use the status-code attribute as follows (src/webapp/lenya/pubs/blog/webdav.xmap)

<map:serialize type="xml" status-code="204"/>

which works, but maybe the problem is the {1}



Then I thought I may be able to set it on fom response object in the flow. But this too seems not to be possible. However, changing this seems to be a little more straightforward since setStatus is not a method on the environment Response interface but on the HttpResponse implementation instead. I propose we add this method to the fom and make it a nop in case we are dealing with a different Response implementation than HttpResponse.


-- Unico

Michael Wechner
Wyona Inc.  -   Open Source Content Management   -   Apache Lenya
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