Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> I don't think JXTG is broken now, it works well but the code 
> is hard to understand and having all classes in a single huge 
> source code file does not help.
Yupp, that is one of the problems with JXTG. It would be great if
a new solution would be pluggable to add new "tag libs" as well.

I created a long time ago the TemplateObjectModelHelper which is 
in the scratchpad area. The idea of this class is to provide one
single object model that can be used in various components,
like a template generator/transformer, input moduls, java code etc.
In the end, regardless where you want to access objects (flow,
template stuff, input modules) you always use the same way, like
"cocoon.request" etc. Depending on the language the component
provides the syntax may vary, like "cocoon/request" - but the path
you use is always the same.


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