On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Felix Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> +1
> IIRC the MANIFEST.MF is also used by Eclipse (but I'm not sure).

Yep, it is used to launch the plugin from within Eclipse to debug the plugin
and it's also used as Manifest of the final jar.

> If so we need to adapt the documentation about the intial mvn
> eclipse:eclipse
> studio:eclipse stuff.

Yeah, and no... We will still need the use of the studio:eclipse plugin I
think (at least for copying the dependencies into the 'lib' folder).
BTW, I was wondering if it's possible in Maven to attach the launch of a
goal of a plugin to another goal (of another plugin), or if it's only
possible to attach it to a phase of the build.
Do you have an idea ?

> Note also that studio:eclipse does some modifications in the
> MANIFEST.MF. This need to be verified if it still works or isn't needed
> anymore when switching to felix bundle plugin.

This won't be need anymore. The generated Manifest will work out of the box.


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