Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot schrieb:
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Felix Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     +1
>     IIRC the MANIFEST.MF is also used by Eclipse (but I'm not sure). 
> Yep, it is used to launch the plugin from within Eclipse to debug the
> plugin and it's also used as Manifest of the final jar.
>     If so we need to adapt the documentation about the intial mvn
>     eclipse:eclipse
>     studio:eclipse stuff.
> Yeah, and no... We will still need the use of the studio:eclipse
> plugin I think (at least for copying the dependencies into the 'lib'
> folder).

Not sure if this could also be done by the dependency plugin. See also
[1] Eclipse/PDE-Integration.

> BTW, I was wondering if it's possible in Maven to attach the launch of
> a goal of a plugin to another goal (of another plugin), or if it's
> only possible to attach it to a phase of the build.
> Do you have an idea ?

I don't have any idea if it's possible. At that time I was looking to
extend the eclipse:eclipse goal, but wasn't successful. Maybe it was the
wrong way and attaching to another goal of a plugin is more successful.
It would really be nice if we could :-)

>     Note also that studio:eclipse does some modifications in the
>     MANIFEST.MF. This need to be verified if it still works or isn't
>     needed
>     anymore when switching to felix bundle plugin.
> This won't be need anymore. The generated Manifest will work out of
> the box.

[1] http://felix.apache.org/site/apache-felix-maven-bundle-plugin-bnd.html

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