T. J. Frazier wrote:
So far, so good. The wiki can generate and use a template name, based on a supplied parameter (Lang=XX).

The TEST master, http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Template:TEST/MasterTOC has been modified to use the "Lang" parameter, and to generate all four words from an auxiliary template. Please check if it does what you want (and if I broke anything :-( ).

The TEST auxiliary template,
shows what a translator would have to make, for a new language. Does that look reasonable to everybody? No localization changes are required for the Master TOC itself. The "Lang" parameter goes in the translated call to it. (Please forgive my sloppy translation, paying no attention to case endings. "Ich bin Ausländer und spreche nicht gut Deutsch.")

Ping Germanophone for better translation...

Still to do:
* Naming convention for aux. templates.
* Clever syntax for defaulting to "Lang=en". (I think I can get away with leaving it blank; it depends on what {{{Lang}}} defaults to, if "Lang" is not supplied. Maybe I'll need to do something really gnarly, like "TOC_{{{Lang}}}" for a file name! :-) )

Very clever, /NOT!/ {{{Lang}}} -> {{{Lang|en}}}. Tested. Works.

Once those issues are decided, and if we decide to go ahead, then the real Master has to be updated with the real aux. template name skeleton, the aux. template to handle "en" has to be created, and we're in business! :D

Technical issue: would it be better to translate by phrase (examples, "Next Page", "Previous Section") rather than by word ("Next", and "Page")? This would cut the transclusions to 4, and let the translators match up the case endings better?

Admin issues:

* Skeleton name for aux templates. I've been using "TOC_XX", with the last two characters supplied by the ISO code parameter. Do we want something more informative?

* Location of aux templates. Do we want them in Template:Documentation/, or down another level, like Template:Documentation/TOC/ ?

* Server load. The method adds 8 transclusions per TOC display. (If the processing uses caching, it should need only one fetch.) Will this cause excessive load? Can we measure that?

To-do's for me (after agreement):

* Create aux "en" and "DE" templates with agreed names/location/content. Add documentation to "en", for translators to create new ones.
* Update Master TOC to use agreed ditto.
* Delete trash in Template:TEST/

Feedback welcome :-)

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