I have two very small improvements to PCAP support with DRILL-6190 and
DRILL-6191 that I would like to get in.

I think that PCAP-NG support is too far from ready.

On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 10:52 AM, Pritesh Maker <pma...@mapr.com> wrote:

> I see a few more issues that are in review and worth including for the
> 1.13 release (maybe give another week to resolve this before the 1st RC is
> created?)
> DRILL-6027 Implement spill to disk for the Hash Join  -- Boaz and Tim
> DRILL-6173 Support transitive closure during filter push down and
> partition pruning - Vitalii
> DRILL-6023 Graceful shutdown improvements -- Jyothsna
> There are several other bugs/ improvements that are marked in progress -
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12332152
> - if folks are not working on them, we should remove the fixVersion for
> 1.13.
> Pritesh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Abhishek Girish <agir...@apache.org>
> Sent: February 27, 2018 10:44 AM
> To: dev@drill.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] 1.13.0 release
> For JDK 8, we've run through both unit tests & regression tests from [1]
> and have observed no issues - so i think we should get the fixes into
> 1.13.0 and claim support for JDK 8.
> [1] https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.
> com_mapr_drill-2Dtest-2Dframework&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQVpwTXg&r=
> zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln-1fr4O7tpGKl1SddY0&s=
> J6FGSG0CSPNSx1abvNe53qFNBwCr3UaO8ILqmUYfuWg&e=
> On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 9:46 AM, Aman Sinha <amansi...@apache.org> wrote:
> > Agree with Arina on JDK8 support..let's get through the last remaining
> > hurdles for this for 1.13 release.
> > Calcite in fact is dropping support for JDK 7 in their next release.
> > They are even looking ahead to JDK 9.
> >
> > For Drill-on-Yarn, I think ultimately it is at the discretion of the
> > release manager.  My personal opinion is as long as a committer (in
> > this case Arina) feels comfortable with it, and given that the
> > functionality has been well-tested, I am okay to include it.
> >
> > -Aman
> >
> > On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 8:51 AM, Arina Yelchiyeva <
> > arina.yelchiy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > I want to include DRILL-6174. It has already passed code review.
> > >
> > > Regarding JDK8 support. Volodymyr Tkach is working on this issue.
> > Currently
> > > all unit tests have passed. Now he is working on enforcing Java 8
> > (changes
> > > in travis.yml, drill-config.sh, pom.xml etc).
> > >
> > > Regarding Drill on Yarn, Salim has done code review. Failing Travis
> > > check is easy to fix. Tim has already proposed the solution (Paul
> > > just needs to add the dependency).
> > > I think its safe to include these changes in this release. They go
> > > in separate module and have no impact any existing functionality.
> > > Even if there are some flows, users will be able to give it a try
> > > and feedback in case of issues.
> > >
> > > On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 8:53 AM, Parth Chandra <par...@apache.org>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > > There are two issues marked as blockers for 1.13.0 - TPatch
> > > > InfoKeySummaryReporterPStatusResolutionCreatedUpdatedDueFix
> > > > Version/s
> > > > Assignee
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_browse_DRILL-2D6185&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQVpwTXg&r
> > > > =zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln-1fr4O7tpGKl1Sd
> > > > dY0&s=ZFTj2m_MKC_o4_s9du-VuNWvzjx4ab8CJLGZMzhGkGg&e=>[image: Bug]
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_browse_DRILL-2D6185&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQVpwTXg&r
> > > > =zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln-1fr4O7tpGKl1Sd
> > > > dY0&s=ZFTj2m_MKC_o4_s9du-VuNWvzjx4ab8CJLGZMzhGkGg&e=> DRILL-6185
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_browse_DRILL-2D6185&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQVpwTXg&r
> > > > =zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln-1fr4O7tpGKl1Sd
> > > > dY0&s=ZFTj2m_MKC_o4_s9du-VuNWvzjx4ab8CJLGZMzhGkGg&e=>
> > > >
> > > > Error is displaying while accessing query profiles via the Web-UI
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_browse_DRILL-2D6185&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQVpwTXg&r
> > > > =zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln-1fr4O7tpGKl1Sd
> > > > dY0&s=ZFTj2m_MKC_o4_s9du-VuNWvzjx4ab8CJLGZMzhGkGg&e=>
> > > > Anton Gozhiy
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_secure_ViewProfile.jspa-3Fname-3Dangozhiy&d=DwIBaQ&c=cs
> > > > kdkSMqhcnjZxdQVpwTXg&r=zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuL
> > > > xyCK5ln-1fr4O7tpGKl1SddY0&s=RgS2wqYAu_VHlOHCeLA1RDhSkXdeB4iBFDoE5k
> > > > xlbAA&e=>
> > > > [image:
> > > > Blocker] OPEN *Unresolved* 26/Feb/18 26/Feb/18   1.13.0
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_issues_-3Fjql-3Dproject-2B-253D-2B&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqh
> > > > cnjZxdQVpwTXg&r=zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln
> > > > -1fr4O7tpGKl1SddY0&s=wWbDmtFEWvWuGsnOIe1NCWslFGraA6kS2EYn1NKpYsA&e
> > > > =
> > > > DRILL+AND+fixVersion+%3D+1.13.0>
> > > > Kunal
> > > > Khatua
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_secure_ViewProfile.jspa-3F&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQV
> > > > pwTXg&r=zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln-1fr4O7t
> > > > pGKl1SddY0&s=roeA-sW1VokgfvGn5dw37qWNIjBku2uKnpjCKJqaeg0&e=
> > > > name=kkhatua>
> > > > Actions
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_rest_api_1.0_issues_&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQVpwTXg&
> > > > r=zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln-1fr4O7tpGKl1S
> > > > ddY0&s=4YiyewNsaFHgEIQkn3y3tfUgczHbSpkn-9WCR0EJjCM&e=
> > > > 13140915/ActionsAndOperations?atl_token=A5KQ-2QAV-T4JA-FDED|
> > > > 582202a248949006c997dc02e0361c023d2c491d|lin>
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_browse_DRILL-2D1491&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQVpwTXg&r
> > > > =zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln-1fr4O7tpGKl1Sd
> > > > dY0&s=WnrFj6sDbesjt-UWX1QEMR0fnZxNDREzvU6YtHaavvs&e=>[image: Task]
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_browse_DRILL-2D1491&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQVpwTXg&r
> > > > =zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln-1fr4O7tpGKl1Sd
> > > > dY0&s=WnrFj6sDbesjt-UWX1QEMR0fnZxNDREzvU6YtHaavvs&e=> DRILL-1491
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_browse_DRILL-2D1491&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQVpwTXg&r
> > > > =zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln-1fr4O7tpGKl1Sd
> > > > dY0&s=WnrFj6sDbesjt-UWX1QEMR0fnZxNDREzvU6YtHaavvs&e=>
> > > >
> > > > Support for JDK 8
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_browse_DRILL-2D1491&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQVpwTXg&r
> > > > =zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln-1fr4O7tpGKl1Sd
> > > > dY0&s=WnrFj6sDbesjt-UWX1QEMR0fnZxNDREzvU6YtHaavvs&e=>
> > > > Aditya Kishore
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_secure_ViewProfile.jspa-3F&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQV
> > > > pwTXg&r=zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln-1fr4O7t
> > > > pGKl1SddY0&s=roeA-sW1VokgfvGn5dw37qWNIjBku2uKnpjCKJqaeg0&e=
> > > name=adityakishore
> > > > >
> > > > [image:
> > > > Blocker] OPEN *Unresolved* 03/Oct/14 22/Feb/18   1.13.0
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_issues_-3Fjql-3Dproject-2B-253D-2B&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqh
> > > > cnjZxdQVpwTXg&r=zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln
> > > > -1fr4O7tpGKl1SddY0&s=wWbDmtFEWvWuGsnOIe1NCWslFGraA6kS2EYn1NKpYsA&e
> > > > =
> > > > DRILL+AND+fixVersion+%3D+1.13.0>
> > > > Volodymyr
> > > > Tkach
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_secure_ViewProfile.jspa-3F&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQV
> > > > pwTXg&r=zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln-1fr4O7t
> > > > pGKl1SddY0&s=roeA-sW1VokgfvGn5dw37qWNIjBku2uKnpjCKJqaeg0&e=
> > > > name=volodymyr.tkach>
> > > > Actions
> > > > <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apach
> > > > e.org_jira_rest_api_1.0_issues_&d=DwIBaQ&c=cskdkSMqhcnjZxdQVpwTXg&
> > > > r=zySISmkmM4WNViCKijENtQ&m=DWH_joEaRjyZJAvkuLxyCK5ln-1fr4O7tpGKl1S
> > > > ddY0&s=4YiyewNsaFHgEIQkn3y3tfUgczHbSpkn-9WCR0EJjCM&e=
> > > > 12745818/ActionsAndOperations?atl_token=A5KQ-2QAV-T4JA-FDED|
> > > > 582202a248949006c997dc02e0361c023d2c491d|lin>
> > > >
> > > > DRILL-6185 is definitely a blocker. We cannot do a release with a
> > > > UI regression.
> > > >
> > > > From a quick perusal of DRILL-1491, JDK-8 support has issues that
> > > > no
> > one
> > > is
> > > > looking at. Is someone addressing these and JIRA has not been
> updated?
> > > >
> > > > Also,  - Drill 1170: Drill-on-YARN #1011, is failing Travis checks.
> > Call
> > > me
> > > > paranoid but a 21K line PR with one review comment doesn't sound
> > > > like
> > the
> > > > review is completed. Any committer looking at it?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 9:28 AM, Ted Dunning
> > > > <ted.dunn...@gmail.com>
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > There is a pcap improvement about to be ready. And a bug (with a
> > > > > fix)
> > > > that
> > > > > just turned up. I will push for a PR
> > > > >
> > > > > On Feb 23, 2018 00:14, "Parth Chandra" <par...@apache.org> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > Bit of a tepid response from dev; but Aman's approval is all
> > > > > > the encouragement I need to roll out a release :)
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thoughts on pending PRs?
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 9:54 PM, Aman Sinha
> > > > > > <amansi...@apache.org>
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > Agreed...it would be good to get the ball rolling on the
> > > > > > > 1.13.0
> > > > > release.
> > > > > > > Among other things, this release has the long pending
> > > > > > > Calcite rebase changes and the sooner we get
> > > it
> > > > it
> > > > > > out
> > > > > > > for users, the better.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Thanks for volunteering !
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > -Aman
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 9:03 PM, Parth Chandra <
> > par...@apache.org>
> > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Hello Drillers,
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >   I feel we might benefit from a early release for 1.13.0.
> > > > > > > > We
> > > took
> > > > > > longer
> > > > > > > > to do the previous release so it would be nice to bring
> > > > > > > > the
> > > release
> > > > > > train
> > > > > > > > back on track.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >   I'll volunteer (!) to manage the release :)
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >   What do you guys think?
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >   If we are in agreement on starting the release cycle and
> > there
> > > > are
> > > > > > any
> > > > > > > > issues on which work is in progress, that you feel we
> > > > > > > > *must*
> > > > include
> > > > > in
> > > > > > > the
> > > > > > > > release, please post in reply to this thread. Let's at
> > > > > > > > least
> > get
> > > a
> > > > > head
> > > > > > > > start on closing pending PRs since these are usually what
> > delays
> > > > > > > releases.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Thanks
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Parth
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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