+1 (binding)

* src release OK
* xsums/sigs OK
* Can build and run from src OK
* Loaded some data locally

On 3/2/18 6:40 PM, Stack wrote:
The first release candidate for HBase 2.0.0-beta-2 is up at


Maven artifacts are available from a staging directory here:


All was signed with my key at 8ACC93D2 [1]

I tagged the RC as 2.0.0-beta-2RC0.2 at

hbase-2.0.0-beta-2 is a not-for-production preview of hbase-2.0.0. It is
meant for devs and downstreamers to test drive and flag us if we messed up
on anything ahead of our rolling
actual 2.0.0 release candidates ("GAs").

hbase-2.0.0-beta-2 is our second beta release. More than 200 fixes have
gone in since
beta-1. Unit tests generallly pass when run against hadoop2 and hadoop3[5].
It includes
all that was in previous alphas and beta (new assignment manager, offheap
path, in-memory compactions, etc).The list of features addressed in 2.0.0
so far can be
found here [3]. There are thousands. The list of ~3k+ fixes in 2.0.0
exclusively can be
found here [4]. Our overview doc. on the state of 2.0.0 is at [6].

This beta was supposed to have as its focus rolling upgrade from hbase-1.x
versions but
this is work not complete (At this late stage, it is looking like it will
be a post-2.0.0 project).

This is our last hbase-2.0.0 beta release. Next up, we'll be rolling an
actual 2.0.0 release
candidate. Look for this in a week or two after beta-2 goes out, after
we've done more
testing and documentation (and we fix issues raised by you all against this

One known issue, still unaddressed, is that the User API has not been
properly filtered
so it shows more than just InterfaceAudience Public content (HBASE-19663,
to be fixed
by release).

Please take this beta for a spin. Please vote on whether it ok to put out
this RC as our second
beta (Note CHANGES has not yet been updated). Let the VOTE be open for at
least 72 hours
(Lets say Wednesday morning, March 7th).

Your 2.0.0 Release Manager

1. http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x9816C7FC8ACC93D2
3. https://goo.gl/scYjJr
4. https://goo.gl/dFFT8b
5. https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase%20Nightly/job/branch-2/
6. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WCsVlnHjJeKUcl7wHwqb4

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