On 1/3/2012 2:15 AM, Gregg L. Smith wrote:
> I all for stop any and all API changes other than anything that may require 
> fixing these.

Hopefully, there is consensus that the API is baked :)

> I am all for RCs if it means changing the -dev is to -rc#

-rc# isn't an httpd concept.  Long threads explain the position
of the group on -rc#'s vs .0, .1, .2 etc.  Other than Jim's post
proposing rc's I didn't see any interest in this, and it certainly
violates the principals that 1) version numbers are cheap, and
2) don't recycle burnt revisions.

That was actually my only point, that it is likely time for 2.4.0,
but rc's don't fit here without some group consensus that we use
rc's.  AFAIK we resoundingly rejected that model.

> I'm sorry I signed off before I realized SSL with  "AcceptFilter httpd none"  
> was still a
> problem on Windoze.

Nothing to apologize for, thank you for reporting once you had
discovered them.  It would have been lovely if someone had caught
this during my last refactoring when we fixed the 80/20... but...
c'est la vie.

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