Hi Dong,

It took me a while, but I finally went through the whole thread. I have a
few minor comments:

1. Regarding the metrics, can we include the full name (e.g.
topic={topic},partition={partition} was defined in KIP-96)?

2. We talk about changes in operational procedures for people switching
from RAID to JBOD, but what about people who are already using JBOD? Since
disk failures won't necessarily cause broker failures, some adjustments may
be needed.

3. Another point regarding operational procedures, with a large enough
cluster, disk failures may not be that uncommon. It may be worth explaining
the recommended procedure if someone needs to do a rolling bounce of a
cluster with some bad disks. One option is to simply do the bounce and hope
that the bad disks are detected during restart, but we know that this is
not guaranteed to happen immediately. A better option may be to remove the
bad log dirs from the broker config until the disk is replaced.

4. The test plan doesn't mention the number of log directories per broker.
It could be good to specify this. Also, we seem to create one topic with
one partition, which means that only one log directory will be populated.
It seems like we should have partitions in more than one log directory to
verify that the failed log directory doesn't affect the ones that are still

5. In the protocol definition, we have isNewReplica, but it should probably
be is_new_replica.


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 6:46 PM, Dong Lin <lindon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We created KIP-112: Handle disk failure for JBOD. Please find the KIP wiki
> in the link https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
> 112%3A+Handle+disk+failure+for+JBOD.
> This KIP is related to KIP-113
> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
> 113%3A+Support+replicas+movement+between+log+directories>:
> Support replicas movement between log directories. They are needed in order
> to support JBOD in Kafka. Please help review the KIP. You feedback is
> appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Dong

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