Please - for the love of ANY Maven user - please do NOT roll a 3.0.4 with any 
Aether thats NOT 1.12.

1.11 that ships with the current Maven 3.0.3 has fundamental issues with your 
local repository has artifacts from both mirrors and non-mirrors.  I'm finding 
more and more users getting hit with this problem that getting a release out 
there that doesn't solve this will just garner a -1 vote from me.

Note that this problem exists also in Maven 2.x so has been around before 
Aether itself existed.

If we're planning to roll a release with the Eclipse based Aether release, then 
please roll with 1.12 which fixes known issues, with the intention to roll the 
final release with a new, Eclipse based Aether release.

On 19/08/2011, at 9:34 PM, Mark Struberg wrote:

> Should we create a 3.0.4 with the old aether package names now and start with 
> the upgrade later?

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