> -----Original Message-----
> From: Manfred Moser 
> Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 23:38
> To: dev@maven.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Request for review and comment 
> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-5167
> On 11-09-17 09:00 AM, Jason Pyeron wrote:
> >
> > Is the metadata in the revision? Only export the revision. Defense, 
> > Healthcare, life safety, large organizations, all of these type of 
> > organizations have rules, we are trying to make Maven more 
> adaptable 
> > so it can be used there on projectes where the rules are enforced.
> >
> >> gap you list that repository in a<repository/>  by pathname.
> > Then you have a forbiden delta from what is in the official record.
> >
> >> Or you maintain a repo manager on the secure side of the air
> > The repo manager was not in the official record.
> >
> >> gap and you publish it there.
> >>
> This whole argument is totally a red herring. You will not be 
> able to have all artifacts in the SCM system. At least you 
> have to specify the tool chain to actually run the build 
> including operating system, java and so on.

And they are in the SCM too ... Look I am not going to argue about what
organizations should or should not do, nor do or will I care about arguments on
how it should be changed. I am here providing a patch, and asking for technical
evaluation on it. There is one simple fact here, and it is there are maven users
who require this patch. There is two possible outcomes: it gets included in some
form or it does not. If there are technical issues with the patch I will address
them. I will no longer argue "political" issues, I will call them out as

> It is totally feasible to add a repo manager as just another 
> required build tool and add a backup/export of the repository 
> content as part of the code that you put on the dvd. You 
> could even just do a clean build on a fresh machine and take 
> a copy of the local repo. Or even create a virtual machine 
> image with the full setup.
> It will work just fine off the grid. In fact with Maven it 
> will run better if you use a repo manager than without..
> I have done that in the past for escrow services in the 
> healthcare industry fullfilling all requirements and passing 
> various audits for ISO and FDA approval.
> The requirement you cite as part CMMI L3 and such does imho 
> not really exist in this strict sense of pure SCM storage. 
> You have to be able to do a reproducible build without 
> anything beyond what you supply for escrow .. but that has 
> nothing to do with SCM. And if you controlling the content of 
> your repository for build reproducability is one of the 
> dedicated enterprise features of e.g. Nexus Pro (and others 
> like Artifactory).
> Cludging something into Maven itself feels wrong to me.

What part of the patch is cludgy, I would like to fix it.

> manfred
> http://simpligility.com
> PS: also look at e.g. the Debian project and their 
> integration with Maven. It all build complete offline since 
> this is part of their requirement for bootstirapping so this 
> kind of behaviour is already possible.

-                                                               -
- Jason Pyeron                      PD Inc. http://www.pdinc.us -
- Principal Consultant              10 West 24th Street #100    -
- +1 (443) 269-1555 x333            Baltimore, Maryland 21218   -
-                                                               -
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