For me sounds a bit like a meta language which will understandable from 
everyone. It sounds like BPML or smth like that, where the diagram can also 
generates Code. Only guessing.

Von: Peter Blemel
Gesendet: Montag, 19. Juni 2017 18:45
Betreff: Re: Provide basic editor features for more file types out 
ofthebox[WAS: Re: AW: Introductory Email]

In terms of NetBeans being an IDE for editing text files, I have mostly been 
thinking about editors for languages like mine that aren't in the mainstream, 
so the artifacts that you're referring to don't typically don't exist. This is 
what I mean when I say that the user community is probably small. I do think 
that whatever we come up with should be scalable to larger and more mature 
languages, and being able to re-use artifacts from other editors will increase 
the potential user community.

The more that I think about this thread, the more I realize that I'm not 
personally especially interested in just re-inventing the capabilities of other 
IDEs. I am thinking more in terms of NetBeans as a platform for editor 
innovation, and beginning to think more along the lines of describing the 
features of a language instead of how to create programs written in the 
language. I am thinking about how to make it easy for subject matter experts 
(as opposed to developers) to create and edit programs without writing any code 
to the extent possible. This abstraction of the idea of an editor is a 
different thing, but would allow me to describe my grammar in a way that SMEs 
and every day users can use it, because they aren't developers.

We may be talking about two different kinds of editor generators. One to create 
editors that recreate other editors, and one that generates a different kind of 


From: Christian Lenz <>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 9:23 AM
Subject: AW: Provide basic editor features for more file types out of 
thebox[WAS: Re: AW: Introductory Email]

The Problem is, what I think, to find or create such files by my self. I 
searched for months to find a C# grammar file for JavaCC. There isn’t so I used 
the Java and changed some stuff. Very error related because I don’t know much 
about grammar stuff.

Now I will rewrite my Plugin to ANTLR, because I found a proper C#.g4 file and 
will have a look whether it is better or not, but I think it is. So if you want 
to implement Haskell or F# to NB you need those files too and I think, to use a 
similar functionality what other IDEs/Editors alredas have would be better, 
because such user defined files are already there, look into the list for 
NotePad++: sor 

Not to missunderstand here. We really need such simpler method to bring a new 
language to NetBeans but we should use similar technics like other IDEs/Editors 
already do. So we can use the great list of user defined files from other 

Von: Peter Blemel
Gesendet: Montag, 19. Juni 2017 17:13
Betreff: Re: Provide basic editor features for more file types out of 
thebox[WAS: Re: AW: Introductory Email]

I do.  I wrote both of my editors in Schliemann, and then re-wrote them when it 
was abandoned. There was some discussion at the time about why it was 
unsupportable, or perhaps just obsolete but I don't remember the details. 
However, that experience is part of why I am proposing an "editor generator" 
instead of another scripting language.

When developing a JavaCC or ANTLR grammar most tools require you to write the 
grammar first, in text, and then provide tools for visual representation.  As a 
software developer I have found this process to be tedious and error prone, and 
a lot of important meta data is lost. I propose to reverse the process, using a 
data model that can be manipulated by visual editing tools to model the 
language (and editor features), from which code can be generated and 
maintained. Additional plugins could be written that do other things with the 


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