
On Fri, 20 Apr 2018 at 09:28 Christian Lenz <christian.l...@gmx.net> wrote:

> It is not that NetBeans Needs to be the first/best DIE on planet, I think
> this fight is the same as with IE/Edge/Firefox against Chrome. Chrome is
> the best and most used one. It is more that NetBeans should be comparable
> with other big IDEs and atm, yes it is comparable but it lacks of Features,
> big and small Features that are still missing.

Generally I agree with Geertjan about approach to handling this.  However,
two broad brush strokes come to mind here -

* Firstly, I get the feeling that some things are a case of not being easy
to find rather than not available - I'm not sure if that's just me, but
every now and again I'll find something that I think has been missing all
along.  Some of this might be reviewing how things are displayed.

* Secondly, I'm not sure competing to play catch up / clone the commercial
players is necessarily the best approach.  Blatantly missing features,
yes.  But it would be nice to see some focus on innovation too (if you know
some of my FLOSS work you know I'm quite interested in different coding
interfaces), and maybe looking for inspiration a little outside the main
Java IDE bubble.

Oh, and Chrome may be most popular, but the best browser?  Give me Firefox
tools any time! ;-)

Best wishes,


Neil C Smith
Artist & Technologist

Praxis LIVE - hybrid visual IDE for creative coding - www.praxislive.org

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