Hi John,

Thanks for sending the detailed proposed TOC for the book.  I agree with the 
three-part book, and I also am in-line with the proposed chapters.  I like your 
idea of looking at the various NetBeans books that are available now to get an 
idea of coverage.  Those interested in working on the book should send ideas on 
proposed chapters after looking at the table of contents from some of the other 
available books.  I believe that would ensure we have a solid lineup of 

To answer your questions:

1) With respect to collaboration, I like the email idea, and I also think that 
we should start a NetBeans book Slack group.  Perhaps as a channel added into 
the existing NetBeans slack group.

2) Thanks for starting a mailing list for the book!  I think this is a great 

3). Apress uses Microsoft Office online (and they should provide accounts) that 
we authors can use for collaboration efforts.  

If we go with Apress for the book, we will be working with Jonathan 
Gennick...at least in the beginning.  I'll reach out to him and provide your 
contact information John, if the group is interested in proceeding.

Thanks again...looking forward to moving this along!

Josh Juneau

> On Aug 1, 2018, at 5:10 AM, Delfi Ramirez <del...@delfiramirez.info> wrote:
> Agreed to most of the proposed index / scheme
> Please consider
> "* Part 1: Using Apache NetBeans *: Chapter 3: New features, jigsaw support, 
> jshell, etc."
> To be indexed in Part 3, or part 2, for academic purposes, maybe. due to the 
> fact that the "New features" section can grow in a second donation or through 
> git collab
> cheers
> Delfi Ramirez
> Segonquart Studio
> https://segonquart.net
> From: John Kostaras
> Sent: 01 August 2018 10:02
> To: dev@netbeans.incubator.apache.org
> Subject: [Apache NetBeans 9 Apress Book] Starting the new book
> Hallo again,
> and thank you for your feedback. I couldn't have described the effort
> needed in a better way.
> In order to somehow start, here are few things that we need to consider in
> my opinion.
>   1. *How we can cooperate.*
>      1. I suggest that we use a header like the one in this email in order
>      to make it easier to categorise the emails targeting the group of authors
>      of the book, and don't disturb others in the dev mailing list.
>      2. I have also created a google group (
>      netbeans-9-community-b...@googlegroups.com) which you could join (I
>      'll also try to invite some of those in this thread that are
> interested in
>      contributing).
>      3. Are you aware of any web co-authoring tool? There are a number
>      wiki-like ones, free and non-free, but I don't know of any that
> we can keep
>      our work restricted of the world. I use for example github.io. I
>      don't know if Apress can offer us such an infrastructure, i.e. a
> wiki that
>      can be private to its members to co-author a book? Bertrand mentions that
>      Any PoC in Apress Josh?
>   2. *Book structure*
>      1. We also need to decide on the book structure. Geertjan already
>      proposed to split it into three parts, each of
>      which could be split into about 5 chapters:
>      Part 1: Using Apache NetBeans
>      Part 2: Extending Apache NetBeans
>      Part 3: Contributing to Apache NetBeans
>      2. We need to decide what will these 5x3 = 15 chapters are going to
>      be and who writes what.
>      1. E.g. thanks to Oliver:
>         2. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4k5JpluJM8
>           https://www.slideshare.net/GeertjanWielenga/extending-nbide
>         - new language support
>         - some available language additions
>         - useful available external plugins
>         3. Thanks to Milos here is a lot of material on NetBeans Platform
>         Cookbook <http://wiki.netbeans.org/BookNBPlatformCookbook> which
>         we could use as a base for some chapters rewriting them to NB
> 9 (again for
>         Part 2)
>         4. I 'll do a search and provide a list of all available NetBeans
>         books published so far, so that we could have an idea what
> has been out
>         there, and maybe give more ideas for chapters.
> Here is a very draft proposal of the various chapters, but we could discuss
> of course:
> *Part 1: Using Apache NetBeans*
> Chapter 1: What is NetBeans. A short history of NetBeans. Apache NetBeans.
> Distinction of NetBeans platform and NetBeans IDE. New features support in
> version 9. How do download and install Apache NetBeans 9
> Chapter 2: Getting Started with NetBeans. Layout, editing files and
> projects, tips and tricks
> Chapter 3: New features, jigsaw support, jshell etc.
> Chapter 4: Running, debugging, profiling applications
> Chapter 5: Developing desktop applications (Swing and JavaFX)
> *Part 2: Extending Apache NetBeans*
> Chapter 6: Introduction to NetBeans RCP. Core, UI
> Chapter 7: Module System, File System, Lookup
> Chapter 8: Window system, Actions, Nodes and Explorers, HTML/UI
> Chapter 9: Extras, Visual Library, Dialogs, etc.
> Chapter 10: Writing a NetBeans plugin
> *Part 3: Contributing to Apache NetBeans* *(a lot of material can be found
> in our cwiki <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NETBEANS/>)*
> Chapter 11: Overview of how NetBeans 9 is hosted in Apache, infrastructure:
> Apache JIRA, Confluence, wiki etc.
> Chapter 12: Apache mailing list, Apache NetBeans web page
> Chapter 13: NetCAT, synergy
> Chapter 14: How to download and build Apache NetBeans 9 from sources;
> Chapter 15: How to contribute (fixing bugs, articles, web site, NETCAT,
> writing plugins); what needs to be done (e.g. code donations etc.)
> I look forward your feedback.
> Regards,
> John.
> On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 at 14:38, Geertjan Wielenga
> <geertjan.wiele...@googlemail.com.invalid> wrote:
>> Broadly, I think such a book should be split into three parts, each of
>> which could be split into about 5 chapters:
>> Part 1: Using Apache NetBeans
>> Part 2: Extending Apache NetBeans
>> Part 3: Contributing to Apache NetBeans
>> Gj
>>> On Monday, July 16, 2018, Delfi Ramirez <del...@delfiramirez.info> wrote:
>>> Hi All:
>>> Agreed there is the  need of a chapter-by-chapter community written book.
>>> Count me in. Even if there is the need for the book, once written,  of a
>>> single translator for the whole community content.
>>> Even everyone of us has English as a mother tongue or second tongue, we
>>> may able to reach and target new markets and new loyal fellows in this
>>> world wide world we live in
>>> Cheers
>>> Delfi Ramirez
>>> Segonquart Studio
>>> https://segonquart.net
>>> From: Oliver Rettig
>>> Sent: 16 July 2018 13:47
>>> To: dev@netbeans.incubator.apache.org
>>> Subject: Re: Apache NetBeans Apress Book
>>> Hi all,
>>> I like the idea of a  community-written book very much. This can
>> encourage
>>> people to join
>>> our great community and it show that netbeans is now a apache project ...
>>> For me the
>>> community is one of the most important facts to work with netbeans and
>>> rarely with eclipse.
>>> I have some experience with writing a book for Tomcat 5:
>>> https://www.rheinwerk-verlag.de/tomcat-5_700/
>>> and the most important thing I have learned from this book project is:
>>> better not to write
>>> such books alone.
>>> It would be a pleasure for me to write a chapter for a community-written
>>> Netbeans book, or
>>> may be to translate from english to german some parts, if we want to have
>>> a german
>>> version.
>>> But I have less experience in organzing such things. In scientific
>>> communities typically you
>>> have an editor or a small team of editors. Their job is often really a
>> lot
>>> of work: to defines the
>>> chapters/articles, to find people who can write the articles and to push
>>> the authors to deliver
>>> in the timeline.
>>> An other question is where and how to publish the book. My experience
>> with
>>> the Tomcat
>>> book was that the publisher was a really great help in formatting and
>>> proofreading. And a
>>> publisher can be a very big help in invertising for apache netbeans.
>>> But it should be also possible to write the book without a publisher at
>>> our own. In this case
>>> we can have an open-pdf-Version of the book. Maye we can have this too
>>> with a publisher?
>>> best regards
>>> Oliver
>>>> I've been approached by Apress regarding interest in a book on Apache
>>>> NetBeans.  I personally do not have enough time to devote to another
>> book
>>>> right now, so I wanted to send a note to the Apache NetBeans developer
>>>> group to see if there are any developers interested in authoring a book
>>>> (perhaps a collaborative effort).
>>>> I know things are very busy right now, and I've already told Apress
>> that
>>>> the main focus is the release of Apache NetBeans 9 right now, but
>> maybe a
>>>> book project could start this fall.  There are no timelines right
>>>> now...just interest in a book on the new open Apache NetBeans IDE.
>>>> If anyone is interested then reply to this message and I can get a list
>>> of
>>>> names together to send along to Apress.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Josh Juneau
>>>> juneau...@gmail.com
>>>> http://jj-blogger.blogspot.com
>>>> https://www.apress.com/index.php/author/author/view/id/1866

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