Rob Weir wrote:
On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
Ah NO.  Those so-called "phantom" committers
had their commit to this projext revoked when you graduated
Maybe you are thinking of openoffice-pmc?  I know the PPMC list was reduced
when making the TLP's PMC, but did anything happen to the committers list?

No, but this is a quite different issue. As far as I know, we had some people sign up as initial committers and never contribute (no code, no activity, no discussion, not even a flamewar).

Committer rights are usually never revoked based on the fact that merit does not expire. But in this case there was no merit at all: there are about 10 people at
that I never heard about. And if nobody ever heard about them, then we might want to prune the committers list (in another discussion).

But, again, this is a totally different issue than limiting SVN access to a subset of the committers for (perceived) enhanced security: we already have good scrutiny and revert capabilities in place.


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