On 09/16/2015 02:32 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
>> On 16 Sep 15, at 17:27, Rob Weir <r...@robweir.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 5:04 PM, Rob Weir <r...@robweir.com> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton
>>> <orc...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> Time, gentlemen, time.
>>>> We're far across the ad hominem boundary and it is time to let
>>>> this thread go night-night.
>>>> Whatever is thought of about what happens on Wikipedia, it is
>>>> not ASF and AOO business.  We have our own business to attend
>>>> to.  If folks want to keep fussing about it, there are many
>>>> better places to do that than here on dev@.
>>> Ad hominem?  Excuse me?   The web page has a record of Wikipedia 
>>> abuses attributed to Mr. Gerard and cites several cases where he
>>> was sanction for it.   One can talk about his actions without
>>> slurring his person, especially when such acts are directly
>>> relevant to the topic of this thread.
>> Last word, in case the inference is unclear.   We're dealing with
>> a sophisticated serial infringer on Wikipedia.  Correcting
>> erroneous information, which is proper to do, is unlikely to be
>> achieved via an edit war.  Don't bring a knife to a gunfight.   Any
>> progress would only be made by showing Mr. Gerard's own conflict
>> and his bad will (not hard to do),  and escalating it within the
>> the formal Wikipedia appeals process, patiently dealing with the
>> ministerial types to whom bureaucratic process is dear.  Since
>> Dennis does not want to discuss this on the list, feel free to
>> contact me offline if anyone wishes to discuss this further.
>> -Rob

I love "serial infringer". :)

> But Dennis does not control the lists, just as King Canute did not
> control the waves. :-/
> Rob, your points are good; I was being too facetious, stunned by the
> attitude of Mr Gerard. Clearly, unless we are reading him wrongly, he
> would seem more likely to stick to his position, regardless of reason
> and logic, than accept the ignominy of somebody else being right.
> louis 
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