Am 06.02.2017 um 10:48 schrieb Mathias Röllig:
My patch works :-). I can make 1024 sheets!

If one creates daily reports at seperate sheets and want to collect the
reports for one year in one document then this enhancement is very useful.
When do older versions of AOO warn “This document was created with a


Microsoft is doing this in a much more hard way. Asking the PC if it has a 4-Core-CPU. If not, then show user a "Sorry, not below 4 cores" message and quits any installation attempt.


We should give the user such a broad hint in a more sensitive way. But should keep an eye on our efforts, too.

Instead of doeing this per document, we can show more general.

When the Online Update function is enabled we can use the online service [1] to get the most current version, compare it with the actual running one and show a message like "You are running Apache OpenOffice $RUN_VERSION. Version $CUR_VERSION is available. An update is suggested to be up-to-date again."

newer version? […]” Must the main version number increased for such a

No, much more code needs to be implemented for such a little thing. ;-)



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