First Parameter means how many modules are build in parallel.

second parameter is passed through to make to say how many threads are used by (g/d)make. to build one target.

I am not sure if Ant becomes involved how that works together.

Am 15.04.20 um 01:14 schrieb Carl Marcum:

On 4/14/20 5:53 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:

On 4/14/20 1:46 PM, Carl Marcum wrote:

On 4/14/20 3:57 PM, Peter Kovacs wrote:
You could try to build only the module, by going into the folder and execute make directly.

Hi Peter,

Yes but that doesn't solve my problem with targets not running in order or how I can enforce it if possible.
I don't want to break the build if my change ever makes it to trunk.

Eventually if I can get Ant to build the Jar exactly as gbuild does I can use that one and my problem goes away.
But until then I was wanting to use the current one that gbuild builds.


Hi Carl --

From your first post in this thread...

When I build with "build --all" everything works as expected.
When I build with "build --all -P2 -- -P2" the file copy fails because the juh.jar file isn't completed.

I recall having issues with the second part -- -P2.

You might try omitting that, and just use "build --all -P2" or maybe "build --all -P4"


The build will take a longer but you shouldn't run into the "non-completion" issue you're having.

Hope this helps,


Hi Kay,

Thanks for pointing out what the second parameter meant :)

It would still be good to know if it's possible to declare dependencies between targets in gbuild somehow like you can with Ant builds.

I'm guessing any final solution that gets into trunk has to build with multiple threads per module.

My best option is probably to do the jar build along with the other tasks in Ant so I can control when it happens.

Were already using Ant to build java jars in ridljar, jurt, officebean, and probably other modules.

I didn't mention it but I'm working on creating the necessary javadoc, source, and library jars for distribution through Apache Nexus [1]. But during the build process to avoid the need for a separate Vote next time around.


Thanks again,

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