I am against keeping 4.1.x alive once 4.2.0 is production ready. And this strategy we have communicated.
Am 10.11.20 um 04:07 schrieb Jim Jagielski:
The only reason why we've decided to move to CentOS7 for our community builds is because 
we build them w/ gstreamer, and only CentOS7 has gstreamer1.0. If, instead, we decide to 
remove gstreamer from the expected options for community builds, then we could continue 
w/ CentOS5[1]. So the question is really "Which is more important: CentOS5 support 
or gstreamer1.0 in community builds?"

For me gstreamer is more important then old Maintaining unsopported Linux Distributions. Only 1.8% are downloads towards Linux. And I want to believe that Linux users drop old Linux Versions.So it is not to expected that we need to stick to the old for ever. The gap will grow and grow, And it will become more difficult to maintain Apache OpenOffice. We need to modernize!!

1. This was true last I tried, a few months ago.

On Nov 9, 2020, at 7:24 PM, Don Lewis <truck...@apache.org> wrote:

For 4.2.0, we are talking about building on CentOS 7.  Therefore some of
platforms that we currently support won't support 4.2.0, in particular
CentOS 5, which is currently EOL and CentOS 6, which is still supported
upstream, at least for now the last time I looked.

If a user is running on an older platform, it would seem to be unhelpful
for them to be notified about 4.2.x releases, but we would want them to
see a possible 4.1.9 release.  Users on newer platforms should be
steered towards 4.2.x.


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