Ross Johnson wrote:
On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 18:22 +0200, Jens-Heiner Rechtien wrote:
I can't see what we could do about the costs of the "lock" instruction on x86. I mean, if we need an atomic increment/decrement for our reference counter we can't work with non-atomic instructions here, especially now when multi-processor/multi-core PCs are entering the mainstream.

There are still a lot of people using older x86 machines.

Can't you check the system processor mask on startup and have your
inlined asm conditionally run locked or non-locked instructions
accordingly. The overhead of the test is still much much less than the
lock overhead on uni-processor systems.

That's a possible solution which we should keep in mind if we change the implementation. We would still need some performance measurements regarding the overhead for the additional test.


Jens-Heiner Rechtien

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