On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 1:07 AM, Stefan de Konink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stefan Keller wrote:
>> Would'nt it be worthwhile to rewrite everything in a single well known
>> language (like Ruby or Java)?

iirc, the only thing in a "weird" language is osmxapi which, as you
point out, is written in MUMPS.

the server software is mostly in ruby. osmosis, the "OSM swiss-army
knife" is in java. various little libraries and tools are in C/C++.
ROMA is in perl. all of these are well-known, if heterogeneous.

> The reason for the rewrite to C(++) of common used tools within OSM (api
> server/editor) is purely performance and not a prototype language like
> Python, Ruby. Or a language that is cross platform but is memory hungry
> as Java.

"premature optimisation is the root of all evil" ;-)

> Next to this. I don't know if you actually try to setup an API server
> yourself ;) But I think you will be shocked how much time the 'official'
> builds will take you ;) Yes I am biased, but also capable to setup a new
> server within the download time of the planetfile ;)

the instructions here


shouldn't take more than 20 minutes to set up on a linux box and, at a
minimum, requires no compilation whatsoever. the planet to mysql
import takes some extra time, but that must be true of your C++ port
as well.

there are optional ruby and mysql libraries to improve performance,
which do need to be compiled. however, they are not necessary and you
can easily run a personal API without them.



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