Matt Amos wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Stefan de Konink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Matt Amos wrote:
>>> "premature optimisation is the root of all evil" ;-)
>> A premature optimisation would be starting with integers, C, and more.
> premature optimisation would be writing something in C(++) when it
> isn't the bottleneck.

I hear a different thing when I browse on this list about ruby memory 
usage :)

> the database is currently the bottleneck and i'm pretty sure they
> already wrote that in C :-)

The database that is used in production isn't the most efficient one too 
;) So that is also optimised ;)

>> Now
>> even I implemented a relatively 'old' API (0.5) and started with doubles ;)
>> Last night I introduced a comparison table with the 2^32/360 stuff. To see
>> there is 10ms improvement per bbox request ;)
> what was %age gain? i mean, if its a 10ms improvement on a 500ms call
> then it might not be such a big deal. if its a 10ms gain on an 11ms
> call that would be fantastic.

Double: 50~100ms
Integer: 40~80ms

But the calltrace revealed in both search situation more optimisations 
where possible.

> don't forget that the rails port also handles user management,
> friends, messages, diaries, gps points, etc... it would be better to
> say you have implemented part of 'old' API 0.5.

I have implemented API0.5 + XAPI. User management and GPX was on the 
todo. If I implement user management I'll implement an OpenStreetProxy, 
for now I don't even keep changes (for reasons I already mentioned).


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