On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 06:07:35PM +0000, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Florian Lohoff<f...@rfc822.org> wrote:
> > If OSM usernames would not allow spaces and be case sensitive
> > it would be possible to make the OSM usernames an email adress.
> RFC 822 is a lot more flexible about E-Mail addresses than most people
> think. My username which contains spaces is e.g. a valid RFC 822
> E-Mail address if you put it in quotations:
>     "Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason"@users.openstreetmap.org
> Given the hostname part of your E-Mail you probably know some of
> this:) But can you provide an example of a username that isn't a valid
> in a RFC 822 E-Mail address when double-quoted in this manner?
> That's leaving aside that you could of course just give people
> nicknames / send to the OSM user ID if you wanted to implement this.

Currently OSM allows most characters:

2 usernames with " in their name
35 users with ' in their name
49 users with @ in their name
4527 users with space in their name

And there are tons of software out there which does not support anything
than AlphaNumeric + handful of specials like -_+-.


Would also be a valid email address although its of no use as most entry
forms will only accept a domain part with at least a single dot ...

Also the case sensitivity worrys me a bit - there is software out there
which will fix the case for you on sending - IIRC Lotus Notes has got
this (bad) habit ...

Florian Lohoff                                         f...@rfc822.org
"Es ist ein grobes Missverständnis und eine Fehlwahrnehmung, dem Staat
im Internet Zensur- und Überwachungsabsichten zu unterstellen."
- - Bundesminister Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble -- 10. Juli in Berlin 

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