
we use api, xapi, nominatim with a little proxy script written in php.
We use memcache for caching. It's far from perfect... ;)

best regards 


Am Samstag, den 11.12.2010, 11:41 +0100 schrieb Wyo:
> After being told to create my own API/XAPI instance 
> (http://gis.638310.n2.nabble.com/XAPI-server-unusable-tt5796609.html) I've 
> looked at how to set up a server. Well the current procedure using osmosis 
> etc 
> is simply impossible for me and I guess for a lot of others as well. IMO if 
> it 
> were easier to set up a server, many more would do it, meaning a lot less 
> load 
> on the current infrastructure. IMO a API caching proxy would do the job as 
> well 
> and doesn't need to handle Gigs of files.
> Lets say such a proxy exists, than requests to the API are directed at the 
> proxy 
> and only if the proxy doesn't contain the data, the request is forwarded to 
> an 
> API server. Assuming further such proxy exists on the internet anyone allowed 
> could use such a proxy. So in the future only proxies may access the API 
> server 
> directly, any user has to connect via a proxy. And if this still means too 
> much 
> load on the API server, primary and secondary proxies could be created etc. 
> This 
> works similar as a P2P network.
> To have as many as possible proxies running in the internet means to stick 
> with 
> technologies easily available. That limits the choice almost entirely to a 
> PHP/MySQL solution, at least for the beginning.
> Wyo
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