Yeah ... I guess you are right (

And regarding Sebastian's suggestion to keep the "it friendly" format. I think 
this shouldn't be a problem. 

All we need are more pattern matchers. What we do need however is an extension 
of the existing format to add the type ...

Not quite sure if we should prefix the existing strings with a type or add them 
with a suffix.

I think I would prefer a suffix ... If we make it a suffix, we could make it 
optional and guess a fitting default type if omitted (same behavior as now)+


Am 03.08.18, 15:53 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" <>:

    Just a small note to your example, in case of the "DOUBLE" we should write 
LREAL und relly stick to  the TIA naming.


    Just stating that to avoid confusion.








    Am 03.08.18, 15:42 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" <>:




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