Same feeling I have too, there's few discussions for others to participant
and exchange ideas.

Our experience from Apache Kylin, the core dev team was in same office, is
to bring such stuff to mailing list as much as possible. f2f discuss is a
great way but at least should raise some thread to let community know the
next step, the plan and architect/tech changes, so that everybody could
join. Then you could see the community is more active today with many new
contributors/committers and users.

Please let me know if I could help more.


Best Regards!

Luke Han

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 11:36 PM, Sergio Fernández <>

> Hi,
> I've been thinking for a while about this issue... because my current
> feeling in that the community has not really landed in ASF. Yes, you are
> creating issues, pull requests, commiting code, etc. But there is no much
> discussion in the mailing list. For instance, checking the mail archives of
> dev@s2graph.a.o
> it's
> clear something is happening behind the scenes. I can't find any other
> reason how I can be the second most active person (excluding jira and
> github bots) in this mailing list.
> So that leads me to think that you still meet face-to-face on regular
> basis, you privately agree on the next steps and then you behave as you did
> before as a company, but just on public coding infrastructure. And that's
> not supposed to happen in the Apache Way, where decisions are taken in the
> community. Actually there is a common say in Apache: "If it didn't happen
> on a mailing list, it didn't happen".
> I may be wrong, and I hope to be wrong, but that's my current feeling. So,
> my advice as mentor, and actually it's one of the points I stressed when
> the project entered incubation, is that you have to focus to grow your
> community outside Kakao. For instance, I miss the discussion about the
> first release. Such kind of thing, you know.
> Cheers,
> --
> Sergio Fernández
> Partner Technology Manager
> Redlink GmbH
> m: +43 6602747925
> e:
> w:

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