Noel Power wrote:
While not involved with reference parsing, I do know that for say the
example range like "Sheet1!A1" currently code that Jody popped into the
vba interop api to help me ( for various range XL/R1C1 support )
expects SCA_VALID to be set on return

From your comments below it would seem you imply SC_VALID getting set
for a single reference is not VALID ( pardon the pun ), and that causes
subsequent problems correct?

Yes, it causes an incomplete double reference when compiling a formula.

The parsing code ( or at least the call to the parse code ) that Jody
added for me always seems to expect SCA_VALID to be set ( and indeed
it's also passed as the mask ) e.g. USHORT nMask = SCA_VALID;
                rResFlags = rCellRanges.Parse( sAddress, pDoc, nMask, eConv, 0 
                if ( rResFlags & SCA_VALID )
                        return true;
                return false;

So with respect to the SCA_VALID flag, I can live with a different
return value that can indicate success. But I would worry though that
SC_VALID is indeed required in a non obvious way ( there are many
strange xl addressing edge cases ), care would be required I think
changing this.

ScRangeList::Parse does its own handling of single-cell ranges anyway (but doesn't take different conventions into account). To parse single or double reference into a ScRange, there's ScRange::ParseAny, which should probably also be used in ScRangeList::Parse. Anyway, if you only use ScRangeList, the change shouldn't hurt you.

I could test any changes against my current ( not exhaustive but better
than nothing ) addressing tests ( that at least exercise this code a
little ) p.s. this week is not good though For the other scenario you mention nothing immediately comes to mind.

I'll do the change on the xmlfilter02 CWS.


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