Hello Martin, 

---- Martin Desruisseaux wrote ----

>   * In the tree view of current application, what is the meaning of the
>     eyes and arrows on the right side of each property name?

The tree view will have an "profile edit" mode in which all possible metadata 
identifiers will be shown, the user can then click on the the "eye" to 
show/hide it by default in the read mode , and then user can drag the entire 
node to rearrange it for sorting. Once the user is finished he can capture this 
state and save it under a new profile. The eye and arrows won't be shown until 
the user hovers the mouse over the row. Css is yet to be added to it. 

>   * The Extent pane does not seem to be currently connected to something
>     else, but I suppose that you have a plan for it. What would be the plan?

The NSEW widget for geographic extent has a button in the center which upon 
clicking will open this bigger extent pane. Since we are planning to use this 
widget for searching in CRS and there its more convenient to draw the extent. 

>   * I presume you noticed that the range sliders in the Extent pane are
>     not currently aligned with the bounding box. Is it something that
>     you plan to fix? (I realize that it may require that you write your
>     own range slider).

You can scroll the map, but if you CTRL+scroll then the map will zoom. So you 
ctrl+scroll down to zoom out the map to the same width as the scroll pane. In 
this case the bounding box will align with the sliders. It's intentional. The 
sliders are not necessarily supposed to align though.

>   * Where the background map come from? I would be curious to know what
>     are the meaning of circles and the lines connecting them in the ocean.

I searched for mercator projection of the earth and came across this image from 
Wikimedia commons. I wanted to consult with you about the accuracy of this map, 
which I presume is accurate. If you can point me to a more accurate image I'll 
use that. 

>   * In the metadata tree view, the identifier and type columns may be
>     convenient for development, but shouldn't they be hidden by default
>     for the users?

There is a plus shaped button at the top right corner which allows you to 
selectively hide unwanted columns. 
Right now JavaFX TreeTableView doesn't provide a programmatic way of keeping 
certain columns hidden by default, yet visible in the menu for a user to show 
extra columns. 
So what I'll do is place toggle buttons at the top to enable/disable these 
columns. These columns will be by default not added to the tree table. In the 
release version we are simply going to remove them, but keeping them hidden by 
default right now is going to make it more inconvenient for me during 

> The specialized widgets are compact, but I'm unsure about whether
> inserting them in the tree is always helpful. Would it be possible to
> allow switching between the 2 modes? (straightforward tree, or tree with
> some specialized widgets)? 

By straightforward tree do you mean the one we get with 
ValueExistencePolicy.COMPACT or do you want to selectively disable certain 
widgets? Can you please elaborate this more? 

Another thing that may help is that some
> specialized widgets could be made more high-level:
>   * In Metadata/SpatialRepresentationInfo/AxisDimensionProperties,
>     instead of a (size, name) pair for each AxisDimensionProperties
>     node, we could do a single table for all properties under a single
>     AxisDimensionProperties node. The name column could be first, then
>     the size and the resolution. The column headers would also help user
>     to know what the properties are (currently we have to guess). I
>     realize that the result is a table inside a tree-table and I'm not
>     sure it is a great idea; an alternative could be to put such table
>     in a completely separated "summary" widget, as I proposed in earlier
>     emails.
>   * A similar approach could be done for descriptive keywords (one table
>     row for each keyword type).

Well a table inside a table cell is generally not recommended practice, but 
I'll think of something. Too soon to tell. 

> In metadata identifiers (or any other identifier), the specialized
> widget have 4 fields, but it is difficult to guess their meaning. Would
> it be possible to put label, or tooltip?

Yes I'll add labels and tooltips. Currently there is prompt text which shows 
when the field is empty 

Siddhesh Rane 

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