Frank Ch. Eigler writes:
 > adamwill wrote:

 > > Freenode has also shut down every channel that posted a
 > > link in its topic. That's not very 'trustworthy'. This happened to
 > > multiple Fedora-related projects/channels, including #cockpit , for
 > > instance.
 > Those organizations have announced their departure.  Surely freenode's
 > RESPONSE to that departure cannot be used as the REASON for the
 > departure.  That'd be circular reasoning and a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The *reason* for leaving is that channel organizers trust the Freenode
volunteer staff to be reasonably accurate in discussing organizational
politics, and don't trust the new management to behave ethically or do
a good job of managing the service.  Channels acted in *expectation*
of nasty behavior by the new management, based on how they acted
toward the staff during the takeover (as reported by the staff), and
perhaps based on Andrew Lee's past unsavory behavior and associations
-- I mean, hiring Mark Karpeles of "Mt. Gox" infamy as CTO is a sign
of crony capitalism, not good intentions or competence!

The *response* of the management during and after the exodus is
advanced as confirmation of that mistrust; it's elliptical in the
sense of omitting discussion of the difference between expectation and
reality, but it's not circular.


All puns intended.
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