On Fri, 2023-04-21 at 10:44 -0400, Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 08:24:48PM -0500, Chris Adams wrote:
> > Once upon a time, Matthew Miller <mat...@fedoraproject.org> said:
> > > I am proposing that over the course of 2023, starting with the Changes
> > > process, we move Fedora development conversations from this mailing list 
> > > to
> > > the Discourse-based Fedora Discussion.
> > 
> > I feel this is a case of trading one group of people (email list users)
> > for a different group of people (web forum users).  
> I don't think this is _really_ a "there are two kinds of people in the
> world..." situation. Of course there are some people who have preferences
> (strong or weak) for one or the other, and completely legitimate pros and
> cons to each. But I don't want to "trade" anyone. I'd like to bring everyone
> along.
> > I have seen this
> > done multiple times over the years, tried to follow a few times, and
> > always dropped off fairly rapidly.  I'm solidly in the "email list
> > users" group.
> Is there anything which could be different this time which would make it
> better for you?

So I am trying to see how it works to follow those discussions via
email (sorry this is the only way, following via web simply doesn't
work for me).

So I registered the account, added the email I want to get
notifications at, and selected a few topics.

First impressions.

It is absolutely confusing to figure out how to watch topics.
If you select a category and a topic you do not get the notification
bell to watch them.
If you select just a topic you get it.
Topics are all in random order. When you select some topic by searching
you sometimes are then proposed a different one (? renames ?)

I found no way to watch all, and let my client sort it out ... which
would need client filtering, because the stupid gmail filtering can't
handle header fields (#@#%$@#).
And if you can't watch all it means you can watch only know topics, and
anything new will simply be missed.

It would be useful to be able to say "watch all except these specific
topics", which are the ones you realize are uninteresting to you and
explicitly start to filter out. I could do that filtering after
receiving though, so being able to watch all is the minimum requirement
to be able to follow anything. 

[late edit: in a plot twist, if you select a category, then you get a
new meta-tag call all-tags, and you can watch that ... I selected that
now and will see if I can block specific tags somehow later or filter
them on my end]

I couldn't find a place to list all the topics I am watching ... only
way I found so far is to click on all the tags in a notification to see
if any of them has the bell thingy ...

On the actual notifications I am receiving:

They come several minutes (at least 5 minutes, as the email is *sent*
that much later, and the sent date is set to when the email is sent,
not to when the post is made) after the actual message is posted in
discourse, I do not care much, I generally read asynchronously as well,
but it is sometimes annoying not to be able to establish the real time
a post was made.

The only way to know who posted is by looking at the From field, where
the description of the notification email address is changed to include
the display name of the poster. That is a bit confusing at times.

There is no formatting in the mail that tells me who is someone
replying to, or which message in the thread it was being replied to (I
disabled sending me the whole thread with each notification, I may re-
enable it).

The test part so far is otherwise decently rendered, and for image
posts it is clear enough that there is something to look at in the html
part. *however* the images are not embedded in the email, so all that
information is unavailable offline or for archival (and in my
configuration requires to actively pull images as I configured my
client to not pull 3rd party content automatically for privacy and
security reasons).

I have not tried to reply to anything, so I do not know how that will

Simo Sorce
RHEL Crypto Team
Red Hat, Inc

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