On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 02:59:22PM -0400, Josh Boyer wrote:
> That's certainly a choice one could make.  Personally, I would not
> prioritize keeping my bespoke email setup intact over working with a
> community on a project I care about. 

My "besoke email setup" benefits *me* and my productivity/workflow far 
more than the ability to interact with Fedora.  I might add that "email" 
as a whole remains a _lot_ more important than Fedora too.

For nearly all of us, Fedora is means to an end, not the end in of 
itself.  Please keep that in mind that most of us are _not_ paid or 
otherwise compensated for our participation here, and that there are 
very real costs (if "only" time and attention) associated with this 
participating. By increasing those costs (real and perceived) many will 
reasonably determine the benefits are no longer worth the higher costs.

> If there's even a remote possibility moving to Discourse will attract 
> more contributors to Fedora then I'd happily learn how to deal with 
> it.  Change is difficult, but in the end it's something we're all 
> capable of.

What's good for "Fedora" isn't necessarily good for many (or even most) 
of the individuals that already participate.

Again, this is a matter of deciding, at the project leadership level, 
what level of effort should go into keeping more of the current 
contributors versus the possibility of attracting new ones.  As things 
stand, the leadership is tryting hard to understand the objections 
to/problems with this proposal and mitigate them "well enough"

Honestly, if a "how to configure discourse to mimic the MUA-managed 
mailing list experience (ie not having to log into a web site after the 
initial configuration)" document is produced, that's probaby sufficient 
to overcome most of these objections, because then the setup cost is 
one-off, and the ongoing "interact with Fedora-devel" cost won't be any 
greater than it already is.  (It's not the setup cost that's a problem, 
it's the per-transaction/interaction cost, which is currently _higher_)

 - Solomon
Solomon Peachy                        pizza at shaftnet dot org (email&xmpp)
                                      @pizza:shaftnet dot org   (matrix)
Dowling Park, FL                      speachy (libra.chat)

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