On Thu, Jul 06, 2023 at 19:53:12 -0500,
 Michael Catanzaro <mcatanz...@redhat.com> wrote:

Well this change proposal is for Fedora Workstation specifically. That's in the title. :) I would envision installing eos-event-recorder-daemon via a Recommends: from the gnome-control-center and gnome-initial-setup packages (and probably also by adding it to the workstation-product comps group), so if you don't have gnome-initial-setup or gnome-control-center installed, you wouldn't get in on upgrade. I'm not sure whether I want to amend this level of detail into the change proposal in case we might want to change the specifics of how it gets installed, but that's just to give you an idea of what I'm thinking currently. Certainly the metrics components should not be installed for non-GNOME users as part of this change proposal.

Is there going to be a recommended way to not accidentally install this stuff? I'm guessing the least work (for Fedora) would be to black list the key packages in the repo files. Making available a package that conflicts with them could be done, but it could accidentally get removed during and --allowerasing change. But this might be easier when doing installs.
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