On 27 May 2015 at 09:32, Jaroslav Reznik <jrez...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Is it GUI only or is there any chance to get at least TUI apps? Some
> as mc are pretty popular even in the group of GUI only users.

I think mc fails quite a few of the criteria:
https://github.com/hughsie/appstream-glib/blob/master/README.md --
apps without .desktop files for instance don't even make it into the

The biggest reason of not including text programs is probably to avoid
the slippery slope. Is a web service an application? What about text
mode kernel development tools? Unless we can launch the application in
the gnome-shell then we don't have a way to actually run the newly
installed thing.

A few apps have found a way around these restrictions which is to
include a .desktop file and .appdata.xml filr which launches a
terminal with the command line tool running. Whether this is a fix or
a hack is probably not for me to decide.

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