I get following message from Altera Quartus compiler:

Info (276007): RAM logic "mem" is uninferred due to asynchronous read logic 
File: /home/nyholku/focusscan/top_level.v Line: 18

when I compile/synthesise the Migen memory example:

class MemoryTest(Module):
        def __init__(self):
                self.specials.mem = Memory(32, 100, init=[5, 18, 32])
                p1 = self.mem.get_port(write_capable=True, we_granularity=8)
                p2 = self.mem.get_port(has_re=True, clock_domain="rd")
                self.specials += p1, p2
                self.ios = {p1.adr, p1.dat_r, p1.we, p1.dat_w, p2.adr, 
p2.dat_r, p2.re}

if __name__ == "__main__":
        memoryTest = MemoryTest()
        print(verilog.convert(memoryTest, memoryTest.ios,name="top_level"))

Which generates following (sorry about the missing tabs).

So I gather this means that the synthesiser is not using the FPGA memory (M20k 
or MLAB)
and is instead generating memory from LEs.

I'm at loss what I should do here...

wbr Kusti

/* Machine-generated using Migen */
module top_level(
        input [6:0] adr,
        output [31:0] dat_r,
        input [3:0] we,
        input [31:0] dat_w,
        input [6:0] adr_1,
        output [31:0] dat_r_1,
        input re,
        input rd_clk,
        input rd_rst,
        input sys_clk,
        input sys_rst

reg [31:0] mem[0:99];
reg [6:0] memadr;
reg [6:0] memadr_1;
always @(posedge sys_clk) begin
        if (we[0])
                mem[adr][7:0] <= dat_w[7:0];
        if (we[1])
                mem[adr][15:8] <= dat_w[15:8];
        if (we[2])
                mem[adr][23:16] <= dat_w[23:16];
        if (we[3])
                mem[adr][31:24] <= dat_w[31:24];
        memadr <= adr;

always @(posedge rd_clk) begin
        if (re)
                memadr_1 <= adr_1;

assign dat_r = mem[memadr];
assign dat_r_1 = mem[memadr_1];

initial begin
        $readmemh("mem.init", mem);


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