
The patches will not work do to a limitation in the
Dell system BIOS and Intel VBIOS.  Dell locks their
pre-allocated (once called stolen) memory at 1MB and
therefore you will be limited in modes on Linux since
the VBIOS limits its modes to the amount of
pre-allocated memory.  Intel has implemented a
workaround, but it would require Dell to implement one
of Intel’s latest VBIOS drops in there systems BIOS
and then update the system BIOS.  I would expect any
855 release of system BIOS from Dell in the next 2
months to have the VBIOS that allows the Xserver to
report memory it allocated to the VBIOS and the modes
could be adjusted.

Best regards,

Hope Merritt, III
Intel Corporation
Software Applications Engineer
Desk: 916-356-0936

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