On Mon, 30 Jun 2003, Alex Deucher wrote:

>Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 09:55:44 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Alex Deucher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Subject: Re: Dell C400 fix applied to 855GM?
>why aren't the windows drivers affected?  they must be a way around it
>without needing a new bios...  The same thing was claimed the last time
>around with the 830s and dell never fixed the bios, but someone came up
>with a work around.

Simple.  Because the Windows drivers have workarounds built into 
them which manually program the chipset to do what the BIOS 
should, but is not doing.  Why do they just work in Windows?  
Because 95% of the desktop market is Windows, and the various 
companies involved have a lot of money tied up in making sure 
things just work the first time they hit the public eye the 
majority of time.  As such problems like this are fixed in 
Windows-land long before end users ever realize there was a 
problem that needed to be fixed.

In the land of OSS however, we do not have that same status.  We 
get specifications for hardware long after the fact if ever from 
the majority of video hardware companies, and when someone 
releases hardware with a broken BIOS that needs software driver 
workarounds, someone needs to know what the exact problem is, and 
then also have access to the specifications to know how to code 
those workarounds, and also have the hardware in question in 
order to test it.

So it is no surprise that what works in Windows is not any form 
of indicator of what works in XFree86.  They are 2 different 
environments, not privy to the same amount of technical 
information as each other, and with very different number of 
manpower working on each, and with IHV pressure also being quite 
different for each.

Mike A. Harris

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