On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 11:40:46PM +0100, Filippo Cucchetto wrote:
Maybe you didn't get it but i meant to both put a reasonable price for a commercial license (500$) and turning everything GPL or commercial. Making everything GPL forces all LGPL to buy a commercial license. This obviously could turn away some people but only if there isn't a proper offer for the commercial license.

that's a fine plan and i assure you that tqtc management would *love* to do at least the gpl part (not sure they'd have the wisdom to lower the prices and properly reward contributors, though).

unfortunately, this won't work unless kde agrees that the only moral thing to do would be allowing tqtc to restore the pre-nokia gpl licensing, given that tqtc is in pretty much the same position as trolltech was. of course, tqtc has a much less likable and trustworthy management, but in their defense, they are also a bit desperate to satisfy their greedy shareholders. capitalism rocks, huh?

(going gpl-only would inevitably lead to a fork, but if we assume appropriate licensing cost of upstream, that fork would be driven by people who are unable or unwilling to invest (time or money), plus a few idealists. that would make it pretty much an LTS branch, and thus not pose a serious threat to tqtc's business. at least that's my hypothesis. :-D)
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