On Friday 08 February 2002 08:18 pm, Graeme Robinson wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, David Brown wrote:
> > I think it's not wise to post things like this without being more
> > thorough. w9ya is Bob Finch, as he posted a little earlier.  I don't
> > agree with him, but I won't insult him because of it.
> David,
> Accepting that Bob has identified himself (and saying he is without
> providing any means of verification such as company name, contact details,
> web address etc is borderline identification anyway) I stand by my comment
> that his statements in relation to masq module upgrades are willfully
> ignorant of an entire thread that immediately preceded it.  At best he's
> guilty of not reading before posting and rudeness.  At the worst he is a
> troll subverting the list.

Fine. So far all of the issues raised concerning these masq items have been 
spoken to by Darrell or myself today in e-mails except icq. And yes, I am the 
guilty party that told Darrell about KRUD, and also the rest of you about 
clarkconnect. Further, I have spent my time, unpaid, providing this to name 
callers like you. Am I likely to get paid for my time replying to you, I 
think not. You could have elected to go find this information out for 
yourself. Instead you now have it in front of you, at others expense, 
including mine. Are you going to pay me for this?

I will not be responding to this any further. Mitel now has all the 
information in the past couple of days to solve almost all of these issues. 
If they apply thenselves further, I am sure they could solve ALL of them.

I will not be telling them how, unless they choose to hire me, if I have to 
deal with your behavior. (I WILL be paid to put up with that.) I do not like 
handing this information over at no cost to you, in exchange for this 
name-calling behavior. I am glad that those I have been discussing this with, 
with the exception of you, see through your behavior.

Bob Finch, the accussed troll.

> -=-=-==-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Graeme Robinson - Graenet consulting
> www.graenet.com - internet solutions
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==---=-=--=-=-=

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