On 10/23/15 23:11, Steve Dougherty wrote:
> On 10/23/2015 02:54 AM, dean wrote:
>> On 10/23/15 13:50, Steve Dougherty wrote:
>>> * GWT continues to be painful. What is it required for? IIRC it's the
>>>   progress loading images, which are cool, but also kinda abandoned.
>>>   Maybe someone will be interested in rescuing them during the
>>>   hackathon?
>> Yes! I'm not at all happy including the jars like that, it was a bit of
>> a last resort so that the build process will work for everybody. I need
>> to do some digging here, hopefully the hackathon can purge it forever.
> It's certainly the pragmatic choice. I've started
> https://wiki.freenetproject.org/Wiki/Hackathon

Cool I should be able to be there.

>>> * The change to the seednodes update makes things end up in a different
>>>   directory: it removes one cd but not the matching cd -.
>> Nice one, Fixed. Also went back to timestamping, much better, thanks!.
> On that note, is there a reason to commit seednodes.fref if it's liable
> to be overwritten when fetched? Is it a fallback for if it can't be fetched?

That was part of the original script, it probably doesn't need to be
committed. The build script doesn't download it unless the -u option is
given so that should be changed first, so I guess its committed so the
script 'just works'

>>> * I don't think v29 is preferable to contrib master. master is split
>>>   into multiple jars,  which is better and I'm hoping we can move to it.
>> My thoughts on this were: The debian package should use exactly the same
>> code as everybody else does. Isn't contrib master considered untested? I
>> planned to trial contrib master in branch until freenet used contrib
>> master too. Am I being silly? Should I just use master?
> I'd be interested in restoring using master, yes. It's a good point that
> using the same version as deployed has consistency benefits, but:
> * Would using split contrib minus the wrapper things it builds make it
>   entirely use the Debian wrapper and avoid wrapper version mismatch
>   forevermore?
> * As I'm hoping to move to contrib master in unpackaged Fred within the
>   next few releases, putting it in the Debian package which is already
>   in testing for other reasons would give contrib master some testing
>   as well.

Ok. This shouldn't be too difficult, I actually started using master
accidentally then went back to v29 for consistency. Master contains
folder and build file changes so I might put this on a branch till I get
it working

> ...
>> It should be fairly trivial to update the wrapper freenet uses shouldn't
>> it? Maybe I'll look at this later, or when the build system gets upgraded.
> It should be, but it isn't as easy as it should be because of the
> monolithic freenet-ext.
>>> * Why not depend on Bouncy Castle? I'd rather make a Debian package for
>>>   1.52 and use that.
>> Me too. The problem is in the making of the package. I'm subscribed to
>> the debian-java mail list and there has been mention of updating it, but
>> who knows when. I was trying to make this package usable right now and
>> depending on an old lib freenet will refuse to use is just a waste of
>> disk space.
> That's an update for the experimental version though, right? That
> doesn't help people on earlier versions.

Yes and eventually trickle down to testing ( which is what I use) stable
users are stuck on 1.49 until the next release unless somebody backports
or something. This process can take years though.

If someone make a package we could include it in our repos though I suppose

> A repo would be great! Probably
> https://downloads.freenetproject.org/debian/, though. Also - Debian
> packages can be used to update over Freenet too. Mempo's already doing
> it, though the experience would be improved by a plugin which downloads
> everything under a USK and mirrors it locally.

Yes I like the sounds of that, like a keepalive package repository over
freenet? nice.

> I'll do that too, but probably not this weekend because I'll be working
> on the 1471-pre2 prerelease.

Ok cool thanks again

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