On Wed, Jan 18, 2023 at 9:40 AM Florent Daigniere <
florent-free...@daigniere.com> wrote:

> I'll help answer that one: He is a long-standing volunteer who is one of
> the current Release Managers; He has also been helping me with system
> administration for the project and still has access to most systems to
> this day.
> The fact that you are not aware of it just goes to show how disconnected
> you are from the community.

I know exactly who he is, I was asking who he was speaking on behalf of
since he was claiming to speak on behalf of the "Freenet community", quite
a bold claim.

> Bringing in "the board" in an argument of authority is an asshat move:

That's how non-profits work, their boards vote on important decisions.

Regardless of the outcome I can't help but think that this should have
> been handled better.

Perhaps, but pleasing everyone isn't and was never my job. The constituency
I'm concerned with are the children growing up today facing a world where
technology is a force of oppression and control, not a force for good.
Business as usual hasn't addressed this and won't address it, that's why
I'm doing something about it.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: i...@freenetproject.org

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