On Sat, Jul 15, 2017 at 5:06 PM, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:

> Hi devs,
> Needs:
> * We need some “Deprecated” macro category so that users understand when a
> macro is deprecated and are less tempted to use it

To be honest I would prefer to not have 'Deprecated' macros at all. If
someone misses some macro he could install it from EM. We keep listing the
Workspace macro for such a long time. When are we going to remove it?

> * We need to not show “Internal” macros by default to not “pollute” the
> Macro list by default
> Proposal:
> * When the “All Macros” is selected display all macros *except* those from
> 2 categories: “Deprecated” and “Internal”.

Currently in 'Internal' I see just the 'Template' macro. For me that's

If it's internal and we don't want people to use it, why are we still
displaying / bundling them?


> * If the user needs/wants to use those macros, he’ll need to explicitly
> select those categories.
> * When we want to deprecate a Macro we move it from its category to the
> “Deprecated” category, before removing it further in the future (when is to
> be defined on an adhoc basis)
> Technical details:
> * Change https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/application-ckeditor/
> blob/master/plugins/src/main/resources/xwiki-macro/macroSelector.js#L144
> to implement this new behavior
> Thanks
> -Vincent

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