Hi Fawad, Caty, all, I just submitted some code to the interactive-maps repository that aims at a sample map with real data and facets (as a pull request, just to make sure we're in tune first, let me know). The code consists of the following:
- A Museum class with a single "country" property (string) - A DataImporter script for converting Wikidata exported in JSON via a SPARQL query (that you can find in page Museums.WebHome) into XWiki pages consisting of a Museum object and a Point object. - A simple map configuration for displaying the imported data In order to configure the facets for this map, you'll have to add the following code to the top of the CommonMacros (if we go this way, we'll have to make this configurable at each map level): {{velocity output="false"}} #set ($solrConfig = { 'filterQuery': [ 'type:DOCUMENT', 'class:Maps.Code.PointClass' ], 'facetFields': [ 'property.Maps.MapTesting.Museums.Code.MuseumClass.country_string' ] }) {{/velocity}} Here's a capture of what I get on my side when selecting the "Spain" facet: https://up1.xwikisas.com/#ZTkIQ8K1fXLrY5dgvp6BvA Hoping such sample data can help developing further and think in greater details about real case scenarios. When displaying such a map, that'd be great if the available facets would get displayed directly, without the need to enter a query in the input field (you probably have this in mind already as well). Cheers Stéphane