Thanks for the review.

I understand that shapes should be separate objects.
Then, we need a way for users to easily create the large number of shapes
required for each level of indoor structures.
Should I create a separate shape editor that will easily generate a number
of shapes inside a specific space? How does that sound?


On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 4:16 PM Stéphane Laurière <>

> > Fairly simple ones like visually defining popup content and style for
> each shape separately similar to the uMap editor.
> > Something like:
> > If there are any suggestions you think should be available as options,
> let me know.
> I see. These options are not specific to indoor maps, right? Regarding the
> title and the content, as mentioned in my previous message, I'd go for
> using the shape's page title and content themselves, if possible.
> Stéphane

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