On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 5:40 PM Simon Urli <simon.u...@xwiki.com> wrote:
> On 05/09/2019 17:24, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 3:43 PM Simon Urli <simon.u...@xwiki.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi everyone,
> >>
> >> reopening this thread since I started to close some flicker issues as
> >> part of BFD and got comments for those.
> >>
> >> So the last mails on this threads suggested to close the flicker issues
> >> if we didn't manage to reproduce them locally after a repeated tests,
> >> and that we didn't see them after a while.
> >>
> >> We didn't vote for those suggestion and I assumed a bit quick that I
> >> could close some flicker issues that I personally don't remember about
> >> on the CI after having tested them locally.
> >> My point for doing that is the same as for the first mail I posted on
> >> this thread: those flickers are old, and the code did change enough for
> >> those to be fixed in a way or another.
> >
> > Being old does not always means the code leading to those failures
> > changed that much.
> >
> >>
> >> Now I might be completely wrong, and the flicker to happen again, but I
> >> don't think it's a problem since we can really easily open back the
> >> issues if it's the case.
> >>
> >> The other solution IMO is to indeed keep the issue open and in fact to
> >> never really close them, because we just don't have time to investigate
> >> each of them properly.
> >>
> >> I really don't see any value of keeping things open and don't act on
> >> them, that's why I suggest to close them after doing the checks we
> >> suggested before:
> >>     1. try to repeat locally the failure;
> >
> > This is totally useless IMO unless you make sure that your computer is
> > made super slow some way since that's the reason for most of the
> > flickering tests.
> >
> >>     2. check that we didn't encounter those flickers since last cycle.
> >
> > This one is enough for me but the hard part is to knowing that.
> Ok, so the proposal is now to check only the age since last time we saw
> them of the open flickers before closing them.
> >
> >>
> >> So first question, do we all agree on that?
> >>
> >> Then for the second check, Vincent suggested to add some tooling: it
> >> will be best, but it takes time to do. So on the meantime, as Thomas
> >> also suggested, we could add a check in the release plan to create or
> >> update all jira issues that concerns flickers. It would allow us to keep
> >> some information about the liveness of our flickers.
> >>
> >> So second question, do you agree on that?
> >
> > Depends what it exactly means. Have some dedicated jira field to
> > indicate when you saw it last ? Comment that you just saw that test
> > failing again ?
> My suggestion was about a dedicated JIRA field if possible.
> >
> > Other useful and a little more automated tricks not requiring much tooling:
> > * increase the currently very low history (10). The reason it's that
> > low is because of many performances issues we had in the past with old
> > style jobs but those most probably don't apply anymore so we should
> > increase the number now IMO (30 ?)
> +1
> > * create a pipeline job which execute platform master integration
> > tests once a day with http://cpulimit.sourceforge.net (looks fun) and
> > keep a big history but not storing stuff like videos and images (100
> > ?)
> >
> Not sure what you want there: to have a test execution where you master
> the slowness? to detect all problems we might have because of a slow
> server?

Have a big history of slowly executed tests so that we can very
quickly see if some failing test in standard builds or in jira issues
is still a thing and is failing for speed reasons (this also help
fixing those tests and making sure they are actually fixed when you
try something).

> >>
> >> Final question: for the flickers that I closed today, I relied mainly on
> >> my memory for the second check and on their age: I closed the older ones.
> >>
> >> So what should we do on them?
> >
> > My concern with them is that the reason you gave to close them (that
> > you cannot reproduce them locally) was not valid IMO. If you say some
> > test did not failed since a long time then fine, if what some test is
> > about has completely been rewritten then fine too but that's not what
> > you indicated :)
> I actually say that in my knowledge the test I closed did not failed
> since a long time. I didn't checked the code for the tests, except for
> one and I commented about it.
> >
> > If your memory is only related tests being checked just before a
> > release I'm not sure this is good enough.
> >
> Not really the case since I check regularly the CI. Now I'm not sure
> it's good enoug either :) Now as I said, we can reopen also later if needed.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Simon
> >>
> >> On 26/03/2019 10:58, Vincent Massol wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> On 26 Mar 2019, at 10:31, Simon Urli <simon.u...@xwiki.com> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi everyone,
> >>>>
> >>>> I was checking our list of flickering tests in JIRA 
> >>>> (https://jira.xwiki.org/issues/?jql=labels%20%3D%20flickering%20AND%20status%20%3D%20Open%20ORDER%20BY%20updated%20DESC)
> >>>>  and I noticed that we had somehow old flickering test issue concerning 
> >>>> test that I've never seen failing.
> >>>>
> >>>> So I propose we close some of them as inactive: the ones that we don't 
> >>>> remember having seen for a while. The ideal would be to have a mechanism 
> >>>> to update the issue when the CI fails on a flicker, but it takes time to 
> >>>> do properly and it's not a priority.
> >>>>
> >>>> On the contrary I propose to trust our memory: if we're wrong because we 
> >>>> have closed a flicker that is still happening, it will allow us to 
> >>>> remind that we have this flicker to fix and we can easily reopen the 
> >>>> issue.
> >>>>
> >>>> As Thomas mentioned on the chat, we should also update the release plan 
> >>>> to include the inactive flickers in the list of issue to check.
> >>>
> >>> I should be able to easily create a report when any test fails inside our 
> >>> jenkins pipeline and make it available similar to our clover report. I 
> >>> could indicate if it’s a known flicker or not too in this report. That 
> >>> could compensate for the fact that we only keep 7 days of records in our 
> >>> jobs.
> >>>
> >>> Would need to define the report format, whether it’s the same file 
> >>> updated at each run or a different one. If the same one, then either:
> >>> * I’d need to parse it first in memory, add the new tests and overwrite 
> >>> the file
> >>> * or add to the bottom of the file which will grow quite large quickly
> >>>
> >>> WDYT?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks
> >>> -Vincent
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>> So for now I propose to close the following list of issues as inactive:
> >>>>
> >>>>    * XWIKI-14399: AddRemoveTagsTest#addAndDeleteTagFromTagPage is 
> >>>> flickering (https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14399)
> >>>>    * XWIKI-14396: AnnotationsTest#addAndDeleteAnnotations is flickering 
> >>>> (https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14396)
> >>>>    * XWIKI-14394: SectionTest.testSectionEditInWikiEditorWhenSyntax2x 
> >>>> (xwiki-enterprise-test-ui) is flaky 
> >>>> (https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14394)
> >>>>    * XWIKI-14386: appwithinminutes.AppsLiveTableTest.testEditApplication 
> >>>> is possibly flaky (https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14386)
> >>>>    * XWIKI-14835: 
> >>>> DeletePageTest#deletePageIsImpossibleWhenNoDeleteRights is flickering 
> >>>> (https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14835)
> >>>>    * XWIKI-14860: LoginTest#testDataIsPreservedAfterLogin is flickering 
> >>>> (https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14860)
> >>>>
> >>>> And I propose in general to close the flickers we don't remember having 
> >>>> seen after a cycle as inactive.
> >>>>
> >>>> WDYT?
> >>>>
> >>>> Simon
> >>>> --
> >>>> Simon Urli
> >>>> Software Engineer at XWiki SAS
> >>>> simon.u...@xwiki.com
> >>>> More about us at http://www.xwiki.com
> >>>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Simon Urli
> >> Software Engineer at XWiki SAS
> >> simon.u...@xwiki.com
> >> More about us at http://www.xwiki.com
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Simon Urli
> Software Engineer at XWiki SAS
> simon.u...@xwiki.com
> More about us at http://www.xwiki.com

Thomas Mortagne

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