El 26/01/14 22:37, Andrew Edwards ha escrit:
> On 1/26/14, 4:20 PM, Jordi Sayol wrote:
>> El 26/01/14 21:59, Andrew Edwards ha escrit:
>>> Jordi, I need you to explain this. You wrote the scripts for the pkg 
>>> installers right? What happens when you pass a version number containing a 
>>> "-" to dmd_rpm.sh? I'll tell you:
>>>      Building for target platforms: i386
>>>      Building for target i386
>>>      error: line 2: Illegal character '-' in: Version: 2.065.0-b2
>>> I initially changed the naming convention because of errors like these 
>>> cropping up all over your scripts. Change it to '~' and it craps out on 
>>> another one of your scrips for a different package. Multiple other
>>> My question is, what is the proper version scheme that fits all the systems 
>>> that you are trying to make these packages for? This one obviously does not 
>>> work for at lease one of them.
>> Andrew, the current deb/rpm building script version scheme is:
>> ^[0-9]"."[0-9][0-9][0-9]$
>> or
>> ^[0-9]"."[0-9][0-9][0-9]"."[0-9]+$
> I've modified the version scheme so the script does not have a problem 
> identifying the zip. It simply craps the bed when it reaches dmd_rpm.sh.

error: line 2: Illegal char '-' in: Version: 2.065.0-b2

rpm packages do not allows "-" on version.

I've pull-requested deb/rpm scripts to fix new dmd versioning scheme. Dash "-" 
is replaced by tilde "~" on deb/rpm packages version, and so on packages name.

Jordi Sayol

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