On Wednesday, 13 May 2015 at 15:54:47 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
That's great! I'm looking forward to being able to easily make direct use of some of the great C++ code out there.

Are there are performance pitfalls to watch out for that are unique to the way calypso interfaces between D and C++? E.g. sneaky copies, implicit callbacks to keep things synced etc.

There are a few:

- Many simple non-POD C++ classes are being mapped to D classes instead of structs, for example QFlags<AlignmentFlag> (qt5demo.d uses its alias Qt::Alignment) which is a wrapper around a single int but contains an overloaded assignment operator so is considered non-POD in C++. Same story for QString. string, vector, almost all STL types are non-POD too because they have base classes. So this may be inconvenient when trying to avoid heap allocations.. For QFlags and QString we could do more than just checking if the class/struct is POD according to the C++ definition (i.e we could ignore overloaded operators, which are allowed in D structs), but STL types will most likely stay that way.

- For the time being when calling a C++ function taking a class value argument with FunctionB(new ClassA(...)), the ClassA instance is 1/GC-allocated 2/ctor is called 3/copied to the stack-allocated memory for the call. Whereas in C++ FunctionB(ClassA(...)) the ClassA constructor is directly called over the stack-allocated memory. In D there's no way to avoid the copy yet, I think we could mimic the C++ way but that'd involve another small alteration to the language.

That's about it, I can't think of anything else, what's cool is that almost all symbols Calypso exposes are the C++ symbols themselves with no wrapper layer in-between, with a few exceptions such as overloaded operators opBinary!"+" etc. which dispatch the call to the C++ operator mapped to a non-templated function (because the C++ overloaded operator might be virtual, it can't be mapped directly to a template).

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